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Solar panels on farms - A new threat to US agriculture


The Midwest, known for its expansive and fertile agricultural lands, is facing a new challenge as it becomes a hotbed for solar farm installations. These projects, while beneficial for generating renewable energy, are raising alarms about the future of regional agriculture. The installation of solar panels often requires significant alteration of the landscape, including the removal of top layers of soil, which can lead to erosion and make the land unfit for farming.

Recent developments have shown large swaths of once-productive farmland now barren beneath solar panels, with local farmers expressing concern over the irreversible damage to their soil. The economic temptation is strong, with solar leases offering substantially higher returns than traditional crop farming. This financial disparity is driving more farmers and landowners to convert their properties to solar production.

The conversion is not without its detractors. Agricultural economists and soil scientists warn that losing prime agricultural land to solar farms could diminish local and national food production capacities. They advocate for 'Smart Solar' practices that consider agricultural viability alongside energy generation.

As solar installations proliferate, strategies to mitigate their impact on prime farmland are critical. These include designing solar projects that allow for dual land use, potentially preserving some agricultural value. The ongoing debate focuses on balancing the immediate benefits of renewable energy against the long-term sustainability of America's agricultural landscape, aiming to protect both the environment and food security for future generations.

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Into the Canola we go!

Video: Into the Canola we go!

Welcome to our farm! I’m the 3rd generation in our farm that started with my grandpa 70 years ago. I’m this video I’m servicing the tractor and getting it ready for seeding the Canola. Unfortunately there are many wild fires in the region which are causing extensive smoke aswell as some of which are burning closer and closer to home. This unforeseen circumstance means that I didn’t get a chance to record everything I would’ve liked too. But nonetheless enjoy!


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