Ag Buyer's Guide | December 2023

112 Ontario | December 2023 OAK TIMBERS, 4”x6”, 8’-12’ long, $2- $3/per foot. Brantford. 226-388-4360. ANTIQUE BARN ROOFING PANELS, Pedlar galvanized steel roofing shingles, Oshawa model 660B 16x20”. 519538-4796. DRY SHEETING & PLANKS, Elm, Maple, Oak, Cherry & Ash, 1” & 2”, some are 12’ boards; approx 5000 board feet. 905-885-9219. NEW SPRUCE LUMBER, 10 - 2”x8”x14’, 14 - 2”x8”x16’. 16 - 2”x10”x12’, 14 - 2”x10”x14’. 905-336-1146. LRG QUANTITY OF TUBING, 2”OD, for fence or panels, 50’ lengths, $1/ft - OBO. 519-919-0894. CENTURY HOME YELLOW BRICKS, over 6000 available. 519-615-6901. HUGE SELECTION OF HARDWOOD LUMBER, different kinds & sizes. 647296-4038. GLASS SHOWER STALL, complete, brand new in box, w/o the sliding door, $300. 905-961-5555. RED OAK, 2500 board feet, $3/ft, no nails, old growth trees, cut from bush. 905-774-3531. CENTURY OLD YELLOW CLAY BRICK, 3500 pieces. 519-799-5899. RECLAIMED YELLOW CLAY BRICK, some cement blocks, different styles. Call for details & price. Please leave your phone number. 519-268-3039. WHITE PINE BOARDS, 1 x 8, 1 x 10 and 1 x 12. 519-503-6237. ASH LUMBER, 50 pieces, 2” x 8” x 10’. Cambridge. 519-622-1932. APPROX 1000 BRICKS, reddish/ brown, piled on skids, best offer. 519323-1110. ROUGH CUT CEDAR LUMBER, also seconds avail at lower prices. Holstein, ON. 519-334-3963 or 519-334-3966. OLD BARN TO BE REMOVED, located close to Dorchester, ON. 519-200-6160. NO texts. CUSTOM MADE FABRIC COVERS/ CURTAINS ETC, for buildings & misc applications. Lindsay Area. 705-7932721. No Sunday call please. STEEL SHED, 8x10, grey, brand new, $525. 519-245-3628. SALVAGEABLE BUILDING MATERIALS, steel sheet metal, wood framing & trusses, plywood, insulation. Swap – buyers dismantles 2 buildings (3,900 SF & 1,700 SF) and disposes debris. Keeps all building materials. Immediate. Can text or email photos. Arthur, ON. 416266-3143. SALVAGEABLE BUILDING MATERIALS, 400 4 foot x 12 foot hog barn slats; some dividers. Swap – buyer dismantles slats & keeps 200 in best condition. Immediate. Can text or email photos. 416-266-3143. BARN/CLIFF SWALLOWS, nested in bank barns since European settlement. Numbers have declined 80%. Please help re-establish swallow populations. Visit our Facebook page Linda Marie Glass Ward or call 519-327-4541. STEEL BARRELS, 45 gal, w/ locking lids, food grade, no rust, $25ea. Great for storage, rain barrels, shipping, fire pits, etc. Kingsville Area. 519-839-4741. 2 FEEDSTORE GLASS LINE STEEL SILOS, 24x60 & 18x40, complete w/ silo unloaders. 905-308-1351. WOODEN PALLETS, mixed hardwood & softwood skids, mixed sizes to 12’ long, ongoing supply, free- preference given to repeat pickups. Jason 519870-8442. BOTTOMS. 500 gallons to 25,000 gallons. De Jong & Sons Ltd. 519-3480523. FUEL TANK, 1360 litre, w/electric fuel pump, $750 O.B.O. 519-401-2044 STEEL GATE, 12’, 6 bar, diamond style. Ottawa Area. 613-447-5809. CEDAR POSTS, 8’, top size 3.5” to 7” in diameter, inquire for quanity and price by phone. 519-482-3161. GATES & CORRAL PANELS, round bale feeders, steel square tube, bar or mesh & diamond & aluminum & galvanized. 613-385-2923 or 613-449-4483. GATES, 3- 5’x16’, pressure treated 2x6, 1- 4’x10’ construction grade spruce 2x6. 519-683-4672. CEDAR POLES, 2” - 6”, various lengths. 647-296-4038. GREEN DIAMOND GATES, various lengths. 905-308-1351. CEDAR POSTS, all sizes from 3-8” diameter to 10’ long. Port Perry, ON. Call Pat 289-355-0872. SELF LOCKING HEAD GATE, 13’. 519383-4343. CEDAR FENCE POSTS, for sale. 705795-6033. 2 ELECTRIC GATES, spring loaded, one is still in the box, $900 for both. 519338-3554. Call at Noon. HORSE FENCE BOARDS, Oak, 1x6x16’, $20/ea. Walter 519-591-2434. 7-BIG 8’ POSTS, $100. 519-323-1466. FARM GATES, various lengths. 647984-6364. FARM BUILDINGS & SHELTERS 1130 STORAGE TRAILERS 48’ & 53’, clean, dry, del avail, $2500 & up. Innerkip. 519-532-3181. 48’ & 53’, clean, dry, del avail, $2000 & up. Innerkip. STORAGE & CONTAINERS 1140 CAREERS/ EMPLOYMENT CAREERS 1200 WANTED: Helper needed on hobby farm in London, in return for accomdation & renumumeration. Farm background and handy w/ tools & equip preferred. Mostly grounds maintenance, minor repairs, haying & assistance w/ small projects. Approx 10hrs per week yearly average. Email: HELP WANTED. Attention Farm Workers. Do you enjoy the company of animals and seeing to their comfort and well-being & are physically fit, willing to work with others, We have the job for you. Fergus location. Uniforms supplied. On the job training, medical, dental, annual bonus & retirement plan. Day shifts only. Five shifts per week fulltime. Two to four shifts per week part-time. You will be working some weekends and holidays. Start $18.55 plus $.50 incentive. Call/text 226.962.1937; email DEALERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES are available in many areas with the Leader in Non-GMO corn … De Dell Seeds (519) 264-CORN. EVENTS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS EVENTS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS 1300 FENCING & GATES FENCING & GATES 1350