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Call Before You Burn

Sep 29, 2014
Smoke is starting to fill the air as farmers are busy burning stubble off their fields.
Mike Wroblewski is the ag weather specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development.
He says farmers near the City of Winnipeg need to look into getting a permit before they start to burn.
"The reason for that is that we have a huge population in the City of Winnipeg, and it's a big health concern if smoke does drift through the city," he said. "What we do, is we control the burning depending on the winds and the dispersion for any given day and we'll issue a permit to a producer who fits the criteria where the smoke's not going to get in the city nor is it going to obstruct any highway."
Wroblewski notes the province issues a general authorization by 11am every morning, which states if burning is allowed along with the start and end times. He adds anyone thinking of burning should contact their local RM to check and see if a local fire ban is in place. Alerting the local fire department is also suggested.
Creating a fireguard around the burning field is recommended, in addition to constant supervision. Nighttime burning is prohibited at all times.
Wroblewski says producers should always be wary of their neighbours before lighting a match.