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Improving Your Bottom Line Starts With Improving The Efficiency Of Your Cattle

Aug 05, 2016
By Dr. Dave Lalman,
Oklahoma State University Extension beef cattle specialist
Improving Your Bottom Line Starts with Improving the Efficiency of Your Cattle
Dr. Dave Lalman, Oklahoma State University Extension beef cattle specialist, recently spoke on the issue of reproductive efficiency at the 2016 Beef Improvement Symposium. Dr. Lalman drew from a large pool of data and statistics of the US beef industry and concluded that there is a significant divide in performance of the country.
“There’s a fairly dramatic difference say from the northern tier of the country to the southern tier of the country in reproduction or fertility,” Lalman said.
He gave some examples of his findings explaining that in the North, pregnancy rates in cattle averaged 96 percent, which he said was very impressive. On the other hand, the South came in at 90 percent; a significant difference according to Lalman. Furthermore, he found that Northern cattle had a weaning rate of 88 to 90 percent and Southern cattle capping at 83 percent.
“There’s a lot of opportunity to improve just from an animal health standpoint and a fertility or reproduction standpoint,” Lalman said.
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