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Animal-based Research for PEDV Virus and Porcine Deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) Request for Proposals 2014

The National Pork Board has issued its targeted call for research proposals addressing targeted issues associated with porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV). Please note, this is an emergency RFP with a significantly abbreviated timeline. The deadline for RFP submission is: Tuesday, April 22 – 5:00 pm CDT

PEDV and PDCoV research needs/priorities:

  • Evaluate the INDEL PEDV strains compared to the initial highly virulent strains and determine if they are cross-protective.
  • Study of the basic pathogenesis and characterization of PDCoV in pigs of different ages (neonates, weaned piglets and adults):
    • Describe the pathogenesis of PDCoV
      • The infectious dose of PDCoV
      • The incubation period for PDCoV
      • Clinical signs for PDCoV
      • Duration of shedding post-infection
      • Determination of carrier state
  • Development and standardization of PDCoV viral propagation techniques and bioassay methods for diagnostic testing.
  • Determine the survivability of PDCoV in/on various substrates (including feed and feed ingredients) and at various temperatures.
  • Develop, validate and continue to analyze PEDV and PDCoV antibody-based diagnostic tests for serologic, oral fluid monitoring, evaluation of immune status and for surveillance.
  • For herds with previous exposure to PEDV and PDCoV, determine the duration of immunity and ability to protect the herd at the next farrowing. Is this protection age/parity dependent?
  • After an initial outbreak, determine the type of immune protection sows provide to piglets:
    • Evaluate if protection is age/parity dependent.
    • Develop protocols for optimizing lactogenic immunity.
    • Evaluate and define the B cell responses in mammary tissue and in the gut that might be protective.

All proposals need to be completed within 6 months of funding and bi-weekly updates will be required in a format that can convey progress and information to the pork industry.

Proposals must be submitted in the required format provided with the RFP in order to be considered. Proposals that do not directly address the targeted priorities will not be considered for funding. Final funding decisions will be made by the National Pork Board Swine Health Committee.

Source: AASV

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Lambs Are Taking Over The Farm!

Video: Lambs Are Taking Over The Farm!

In today's exciting episode of our daily sheep farming vlog at Ewetopia Farms, we witness the lambs taking over the lambing barn as it rapidly fills up. Join us as we embark on a thrilling day of managing lambs as we work on emptying lambing jugs to accommodate the lambs that just keep on coming!

We begin by providing updates on the events of the previous night and share the progress of all the lambs. Throughout the day, we engage in various tasks such as tagging, vaccinating, docking, and recording the lambs as they demonstrate their readiness to leave the lambing jugs and join the group pen. As lambs are moved in and out of the jugs, we ensure each pen is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with lime before welcoming the next ewe and her lambs. Along the way, we encounter and resolve a few challenges related to lambing, including unplugging a ewe's teat to facilitate milk flow for her lamb's nourishment and addressing a bleeding umbilical cord on a newborn Dorset lamb. We remain hopeful for the lamb's full recovery and will keep you updated on its progress in future videos.

To conclude the day, we take a moment to relax in the group pen, reflecting on our busy day of sheep farming and cherishing the rewards of our hard work. Join us in this well-deserved break and immerse yourself in the joys of sheep farming and caring for these adorable lambs