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Abstract: A One-Health Review On Brucellosis In The United States

Brucellosis is a highly infectious zoonotic disease of global significance due to its adverse impact on public health, economics, and trade. Despite being one of the most prevalent zoonoses worldwide, attention given to global brucellosis control and prevention has been inadequate. Brucella species of greatest one-health relevance in the US include those infecting dogs (Brucella canis), swine (Brucella suis), and cattle and domestic bison (Brucella abortus). Although not endemic in the US, Brucella melitensis warrants awareness as it poses a risk to international travelers. While brucellosis has been eradicated from domestic livestock in the US, its detection in US companion animals (B canis) and US wildlife reservoirs (B suis and B abortus) and enzootic presence internationally pose a threat to human and animal health, warranting its spotlight on the one-health stage. The challenges of B canis diagnosis in humans and dogs is addressed in more detail in the companion Currents in One Health by Guarino et al, AJVR, April 2023. Human consumption of unpasteurized dairy products and occupational exposure of laboratory diagnosticians, veterinarians, and animal care providers are responsible for human exposures reported to the US CDC.

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