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Caring for Beef Cattle in Winter Months

By Ted Wiseman

Ohio Winters can be a challenge, especially for those with livestock. Here’s a short list of five management tips to keep in mind as we prepare to manage cattle through another Winter.

Nutrition Management for Ohio Winters: Ohio’s varying winter conditions of mud to snow and back to mud, we need to be prepared for proper nutrition management for cattle. There have been numerous research studies that have shown the effects of extreme cold, mud, and wind. Producers will need to monitor and adjust feed regimens by incorporating high-quality forages rich in nutrients. Supplemental feed with a careful balance of protein and energy becomes essential to meet the increased caloric demands during colder months. This strategy ensures that Ohio’s beef cattle maintain optimal body condition, setting the stage for a healthy and productive spring calving season.

Water Provision in Ohio’s Cold: Ohio’s unpredictable winter temperatures underscore the importance of providing plenty of water. We need to be constantly monitoring of water sources, coupled with the use of heaters or insulated water systems to prevent freezing. Keeping water available at all times is extremely important to maintain adequate hydration for proper digestion, metabolism, and overall well-being.

Shelter Strategies for Ohio Winters: Shelter considerations is another important factor for Ohio’s winter. Utilizing windbreaks and strategically positioned three-sided shelters to shield cattle from the extreme winds that we often experience during the winter. Beyond offering protection from the elements, maintaining dry bedding within shelters should also be used. This not only insulates cattle against the cold ground but also provides a comfortable refuge, reducing stress and minimizing the risk of respiratory issues. By thoughtfully addressing shelter needs, producers can be prepared to provide protection from the elements during the winter months when needed.

Tailored Health Management in Ohio: Winter conditions also emphasize the importance of a health management plan tailored to regional challenges. This includes vaccination schedules aligned with the specific threats posed by Ohio’s winter environment. Strategic parasite control especially lice during the winter months and routine health checks.

Body Condition Scoring in Ohio: The practice of regular body condition scoring takes on heightened significance in Ohio’s winter care regimen. Closely monitoring the physical condition of cattle, assessing fat cover and muscle condition, allowing producers to make informed adjustments to feeding programs. By prioritizing body condition scoring, Ohio producers can ensure that their cattle maintain the ideal weight and energy reserves, enhancing their ability to withstand the physiological challenges imposed by winter and promoting long-term herd health.

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