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Coming soon to a city near you: science tour highlights regional impacts of our changing climate

Ottawa, Ontario - Canada is warming at an alarming rate — twice as fast as the average rate globally. As we plan for the future, Canadians need a clear picture of how this warming is affecting our economy, our communities and the places we love.
That’s why a group of Canada’s top climate scientists recently examined the latest research on what climate change means for Canada in the Canada’s Changing Climate Report.
For Earth Day 2019, Environment and Climate Change Canada is announcing that the report authors will host a series of events across the country to talk with Canadians about how climate change will impact them and their communities. Tour dates will be announced in the coming weeks.
As floods, forest fires and heatwaves become more frequent and severe, putting Canada’s national climate plan into action is more important than ever. The Government of Canada will continue working with Canadians from all sectors and regions to protect the environment and grow the economy.
Source : Government of Canada

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Video: Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Turning our attention over to the Markets. Joining us now to discuss the recent movements in the Cattle Market is the owner and operator of Briggs Feed Yard, Mr. Mike Briggs.