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FarmTech Expects Big Crowds

Three days of agriculture meetings get underway in the provincial capital Tuesday at FarmTech.
Billed as Canada’s premier crop production and farm management conference the gathering features speakers from almost all ag disciplines covering the latest in technology, environment, agronomy and farm business management.
Among those who'll be speaking are Timothy Caulfield, a professor of health, law and science policy, Jason Lusk, a food and agricultural economist and Dr. Kimberley Amirault-Ryan, a Performance Consultant to the NHL, NBA and Olympians.
Many will be taking in the agricultural showcase which is home to the most innovative companies displaying their products and services.
The Alberta Wheat Commission will also be holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday January 29, at 9:45 a.m.
Everything is taking place at the Edmonton Expo Centre.
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Video: Labor Secretary questioned on AEWR increases, department’s work with farmers

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