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How to Manage the Club Foot: Birth to Maturity

Have you ever glanced at a horse's feet and noticed that one of them looks, well, a bit off? If it's boxy, upright, and maybe even a bit smaller than the other, you're probably looking at a club foot.
This club foot hoof conformation is caused by a flexural deformity of the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP joint, also known as the coffin joint). Many people blame club feet on "contracted tendons," but this is a misnomer because tendons lack the ability to contract. Rather, a club foot results from shortening of the musculotendinous unit, causing hyperflexion of the DIP joint—more correctly called a flexural deformity.
With these terms defined, Steve O’Grady, DVM, MRCVS, of Northern Virginia Equine, described how to manage the club-footed horse during the 2014 American Association of Equine Practitioners Convention, held Dec. 6-10 in Salt Lake City, Utah. “Left untreated, a flexural deformity represents a significant risk for chronic lameness," he said. "If recognized early and given proper intervention, especially in the young horse, then correction is possible.”
When present at birth, veterinarians refer to this conformation as a congenital flexural deformity. The foal is unable to extend the distal (lower) limb joints, causing the limb to knuckle over to varying degrees. To manage this problem, owners should restrict affected foals to small paddocks and hand-massage the large muscle bellies above the carpus (knee). Applying full-limb bandages can also help the muscle bellies associated with the tendon to relax. If you don't see any improvement within three days after foaling, O’Grady recommends having a veterinarian administer a dose of intravenous oxytetracycline (which binds calcium to encourage the flexor muscles relax) and a second dose if necessary in the next couple of days. “If the foal is able to walk around, then these generally resolve,” he said.
Source: TheHorse

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Secure Pork Supply Plan | Preparing for the Future | U.S. Pork Producers

Video: Secure Pork Supply Plan | Preparing for the Future | U.S. Pork Producers

Join Jill Brokaw, a third-generation pig farmer and staff member of the National Pork Board, as she dives into the vital role of the Secure Pork Supply (SPS) Plan in preparing the U.S. pork industry for potential foreign animal disease outbreaks. This video is an essential watch for pork producers who are looking to safeguard their operations against the threats of diseases like foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever, and African swine fever.

Why Should Pork Producers Care? An outbreak of foreign animal diseases in the U.S. could lead to severe restrictions and potentially result in industry-wide financial losses estimated between $15 to $100 billion. The SPS Plan is a collective effort to prevent such catastrophic outcomes by enhancing biosecurity, ensuring animal traceability, and promoting effective disease monitoring.

What You'll Learn:

The Importance of Preparedness: Understand why being proactive is crucial for maintaining business continuity during an outbreak. Enhanced Biosecurity Measures: Write a site-specific biosecurity plan that can serve as the first line of defense against potential outbreaks. Animal Disease Traceability: Learn about the significance of tracking animal movement and how acquiring a premises identification number (PIN) and using AgView can facilitate this process. Disease Monitoring: Find out how continuous observation and reporting can keep your herd healthy and disease-free.

Getting Started with SPS: The video breaks down the seemingly daunting task of preparing for a foreign animal disease outbreak into manageable steps. With free resources available at, including templates and instructions, Jill guides producers on developing a customized plan to enhance their farm's defenses.

Expert Insights: Hear from Dr. Pam Zaabel on collaborating with your herd veterinarian to develop and implement your SPS plan effectively.

Takeaway: The Secure Pork Supply initiative is more than a plan; it's a commitment to the resilience of our food supply and the livelihoods within the pork industry. By embracing these proactive measures, we can collectively enhance our preparedness for foreign animal disease outbreaks.