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HyLife weaning ramp wins Aherne Prize at 2023 Banff Pork Seminar

Two employees of HyLife sow farms in La Broquerie, Man. have won the F. X. Aherne Prize for Innovative Pork Production at the 2023 Banff Pork Seminar (BPS).

Robert Lafrenière and Barak Doell developed what they have called the “HyLife weaning ramp”, an innovation that improves working conditions, animal well-being and productivity. They were presented with their award in front of conference delegates by Ben Willing chair of the Seminar awards committee.

“Each year our committee is impressed by the innovation of people in our industry who enter the competition,” says Willing. “The award comes with financial reward in the form of a ticket to the Seminar for two people and support for travel costs to attend. However, the biggest prize for many is the recognition by industry peers.”

The weaning ramp designed by Lafrenière and Doell helps with one of the most labor-intensive and strenuous tasks on a sow farm. Typical process at HyLife involves picking up piglets, giving them a vaccination and separating by gender.

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