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Information For Canola Producers On The Active Ingredient Quinclorac

During the 2015 growing season, some Saskatchewan canola producers used a product containing the active ingredient quinclorac in order to control cleavers. Quinclorac, while registered for use on canola in Canada, does not have maximum residue levels (MRLs) established in several key export markets.
Leading into the 2016 growing season, SaskCanola believes it is imperative for Saskatchewan canola producers to understand the status of this issue: 
  • SaskCanola remains focused on protecting the interest of farmers;
  • SaskCanola understands that cleavers have become a significant weed problem in Canada and we are funding research to understand and promote solutions;
  • According to the Western Grain Elevator Association (WGEA) & Canola Council of Canada (CCC), the grain handling industry is not accepting quinclorac treated canola due to trade risks;
  • If you are considering using quinclorac on canola in 2016, you need to consult your local elevator, crushing plant, or grain buyer, as the information we have to date is that they will not be accepting quinclorac treated canola in 2016.
Keep It Clean - 5 simple steps to get your canola ready for export
1. Use pesticides at the correct rate, timing, and pre-harvest interval.
2. Do not use unregistered pesticides or those with unacceptable residues. 
3. Always follow the canola storage recomendations.
4. Grow blackleg resistant varieties and use practices that reduce infection.
5. Do not grow these varieties:
Source : Saskcanola

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