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Malt Contracting for Bentley Barley on the Rise

CANTERRA SEEDS and Canada Malting are pleased to announce the contracting program for Alberta-bred Bentley barley will increase in 2014/2015. 
Canada Malting has been contracting Bentley since 2013, and is planning to expand their contracted acres to over 40,000 in 2015. The variety received malt approval from the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC) in the fall of 2013, and since then has been gaining interest among the brewing world. "We are very pleased with the malting results of Bentley, and our customers' demand for the variety is expected to increase this year," said Ryan Dodd, Canadian Elevator Operations Manager of Canada Malting. 
Bentley barley is the first malt barley bred by Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (AARD) to be commercially contracted for malt. The two-row barley has proven popular with growers because of its high yield, agronomic package and excellent quality profile. "Our seed growers and their customers have been very happy with Bentley," said Rick Love, Pedigreed Seed Production Manager for CANTERRA SEEDS, "I have never come across a farmer who is disappointed with Bentley in the field. It is exciting to now have this vote of confidence from malting and brewing customers." 
Sorce: Canterra Seeds 

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Kioti CS20 Series - Sub Compact Tractor with Big Capabilities

Video: Kioti CS20 Series - Sub Compact Tractor with Big Capabilities

The Kioti CS20 Series is the best of both worlds: perfect for those small acreage farms and perfect for those large farms that require constant upkeep.

Available in 21 or 24.5 horsepower, the CS20 Series features:

— Removable front loader
— Quick attach bucket
— 54" and 60" drive-over mower decks
— 6' backhoe
— and much more

Joel Hicks with Kioti explains more in this video!