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NCBA Celebrates Federal Injunction Against WOTUS Rule

Apr 13, 2023
By Denise Faguy
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

By Jean-Paul MacDonald,

The controversial rule had expanded federal jurisdiction over waterways, leading to concerns about the impact on private property rights and the ability of farmers and ranchers to manage their land. The NCBA has been a vocal opponent of the rule, arguing that it would have imposed unnecessary regulatory burdens on cattle producers.

The court's decision brings relief to NCBA members and other cattle producers in affected states, who can now avoid the costs and uncertainty of navigating the WOTUS regulatory regime. The NCBA has praised the ruling as a victory for property rights and regulatory reform, while acknowledging that the battle over WOTUS is far from over.

The group has called on the Biden administration to work with stakeholders to develop a rule that provides clear and workable definitions of the waters that fall under federal jurisdiction.

The NCBA has also emphasized the importance of maintaining the traditional balance between state and federal authority over water resources, noting that the federal government should not have unlimited power to regulate waterways on private land. The group has expressed its commitment to working with policymakers and other stakeholders to ensure that cattle producers have a voice in the development of water policy.

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