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New Test Detects Early Stage Of Wasting Disease In Cattle

By Catherine Crawley

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) at UT have identified a more sensitive test for detecting the early stages of paratuberculosis, a fatal disease that plagues dairy and beef herds and causes an estimated annual loss of up to $250 million to the US dairy industry.

Current methods of testing for the presence of the bacteria that cause the disease often misdiagnose animals in the early stages of the disease, which has no cure. Infected animals produce less milk, have fertility problems, and must be culled. In the United States it is estimated that 20 percent of dairy herds and 8 percent of beef herds contain at least one animal infected with the disease, and that 68 percent of farms are contaminated with the pathogen that causes paratuberculosis.

Transmission occurs by ingestion of manure-contaminated feed and pasture or by colostrum passed from an infected dam to a calf. The disease usually manifests two to three years after the initial infection but in some cases can take up to 10 years before it becomes apparent. During this time, infected animals shed the bacteria, putting the health of the entire herd at risk.

Currently, detection of the pathogen, such as through a fecal culture test, is the gold standard for diagnosing animals that are shedding the bacteria and for characterizing the stage of the disease, especially in advanced stages.

However, the new research—published today in Nature’s Scientific Reports—found that the fecal test can not reliably predict persistent infections or early stages. Detection of diseased animals in the subclinical stage of infection is difficult because these animals typically excrete the bacteria in low numbers and have not yet developed antibodies to the bacteria that can be detected.

“Shedding and potential transmission could occur well before a fecal test yields positive results, so what’s needed are other disease predictors, especially at the early stages of infection,” said lead author Gesham Magombedze, who conducted the research while a postdoctoral fellow at NIMBioS. Magombedze is now an assistant professor and assistant investigator at the Baylor Research Institute in Dallas.

Using a suite of mathematical models and statistical simulations, the researchers determined that a test based on a type of immune cells called macrophages produces more reliable diagnoses.

“The macrophage-based assay could be a better marker in the diagnoses of paratuberculosis infections, especially in slow or non-progressing infections and also in cases that progress to advanced diseases rapidly,” Magombedze said.

The immune response against the pathogen is complex and not currently well understood. Current tests that rely on immune responses are used most effectively to predict disease outcome or disease status at advanced stages, the researchers said.

The researchers recommended that specifically designed experiments be conducted to test the use of the new macrophage-based assay.

“Controlling paratuberculosis is important not only from an agricultural perspective, but also in terms of public health, as the pathogen has been a suspected cause of Crohn’s disease in humans,” said co-author Shigetoshi Eda, a professor in the Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries in UT’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

Research has suggested an association between the bacterium in paratuberculosis to Crohn’s, a serious inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract. However, there is some controversy as to whether the link is causal.

NIMBioS is a National Science Foundation–supported center that brings together researchers from around the world to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to investigate solutions to basic and applied problems in the life sciences.

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Secure Pork Supply Plan | Preparing for the Future | U.S. Pork Producers

Video: Secure Pork Supply Plan | Preparing for the Future | U.S. Pork Producers

Join Jill Brokaw, a third-generation pig farmer and staff member of the National Pork Board, as she dives into the vital role of the Secure Pork Supply (SPS) Plan in preparing the U.S. pork industry for potential foreign animal disease outbreaks. This video is an essential watch for pork producers who are looking to safeguard their operations against the threats of diseases like foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever, and African swine fever.

Why Should Pork Producers Care? An outbreak of foreign animal diseases in the U.S. could lead to severe restrictions and potentially result in industry-wide financial losses estimated between $15 to $100 billion. The SPS Plan is a collective effort to prevent such catastrophic outcomes by enhancing biosecurity, ensuring animal traceability, and promoting effective disease monitoring.

What You'll Learn:

The Importance of Preparedness: Understand why being proactive is crucial for maintaining business continuity during an outbreak. Enhanced Biosecurity Measures: Write a site-specific biosecurity plan that can serve as the first line of defense against potential outbreaks. Animal Disease Traceability: Learn about the significance of tracking animal movement and how acquiring a premises identification number (PIN) and using AgView can facilitate this process. Disease Monitoring: Find out how continuous observation and reporting can keep your herd healthy and disease-free.

Getting Started with SPS: The video breaks down the seemingly daunting task of preparing for a foreign animal disease outbreak into manageable steps. With free resources available at, including templates and instructions, Jill guides producers on developing a customized plan to enhance their farm's defenses.

Expert Insights: Hear from Dr. Pam Zaabel on collaborating with your herd veterinarian to develop and implement your SPS plan effectively.

Takeaway: The Secure Pork Supply initiative is more than a plan; it's a commitment to the resilience of our food supply and the livelihoods within the pork industry. By embracing these proactive measures, we can collectively enhance our preparedness for foreign animal disease outbreaks.