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Ontario Veal Farmers to Vote on Marketing Board

Ontario Veal, Dairy Farmers Will Vote on Marketing Board Status In March

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Ontario Veal is seeking marketing board status through the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission – the vote is scheduled to take place in March 2013.

The vote will be conducted through mail-in ballots and will be held over a two week period. There is an estimated 4,300 farmers eligible to vote. The vote will include both veal and dairy producers.

The vote proposes to better help organize the veal farmers who are currently channelling their $3.00 head check-off fee to the Ontario Cattlemen’s Association, who collects the money and then works with Ontario Veal to establish its annual budget. If the vote is successful, Ontario Veal will be able to collect the money itself. The vote wouldn’t allow ability to control price or have the same kind of marketing board status as other agricultural groups have. The group currently operates through the provincial Beef Cattle Marketing Act, but wants to operate autonomously under its own Farm Products Marketing Act.

Information meetings will be held in February and March to ensure that all producers are aware of the proposed changes and will be encouraged to participate in the vote.

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