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U.S. PEDV Outbreak Quieting Down

U.S. PEDV Outbreak Quieting Down

By Amanda Brodhagen,

There are signs that the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) that swept through swine herds in the United States may be slowing down, according to the National Pork Board.

Since mid-May the virus had spread to 18 states, which caused alarm for many North American hog producers.  There were more than 330 cases of the virus confirmed as of July 8, with the highest concentrations in Iowa and Oklahoma.

“Right now all we have is anecdotal information from the field and it sounds like the spread of the virus has decreased,” explains Dr. Paul Sundberg, the vice president science and technology with the National Pork Board.

While the virus appears to be slowing, hog producers are asked to remain vigilant with implementing biosecurity measures on-farm and identifying sickness in their herds.

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