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USDA Budget Ends Direct Payments

USDA to expect 5.9% Decrease in Upcoming 2014 Fiscal Year

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is to expect a 5.9% decrease in its budget for the upcoming 2014 fiscal year. The White House plans to eliminate direct payments, cut crop insurance subsides and better target conservation funding. The Obama administration says that with crop and livestock production at all-time highs and that income support payments based on levels of production can no longer be justified. The crafting of the new Farm Bill is expected to begin this month in collaboration with the House and Senate and Agriculture committees. Currently, the bulk of the USDA budget is allocated for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps which are pegged to cost $80 billion in the 2014 budget year.

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New Research Potato Planter - '24 Plot Shots 04

Video: New Research Potato Planter - '24 Plot Shots 04

Lewis Baarda and the Field Operations crew took our new research potato planter into the field to work out the kinks and get it ready for our upcoming potato trials. After a morning of tweaks, it's ready to go - stay tuned for more potato content!


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