Wheat Commodity Update for the Week Ending May 10, 2024

As of Friday, wheat’s closing price was 663.5. That’s a 6.6% increase from last Friday’s 622.5.

Wheat’s high for the week occurred on May 10, 2024 when the price was at 663.5.

In comparison to Apr 10, 2024, wheat has seen a 15.7% increase. At this time last month wheat was at 573.5 and the current price is 663.5.

Compared to 2023, wheat is also down. At this time last year, wheat was at 687.25 and is now sitting at 663.5. That’s a drop of 3.5%.

2023's best day for wheat was Feb 13, 2023 when it was at 805.75.

Wheat’s total volume for the week of May 06, 2024 was 417841. The highest daily volume of the week occurred on May 06, 2024 and was 107311.

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