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Wrapping up the canola and moving onto soybeans!! The home stretch!
Wrapping up the canola and moving onto s..
Wrapping up the canola and moving onto..more

Canola Harvesting on Saskatchewan Farm with Case 1680 Combine! | Part 1 of 2
Canola Harvesting on Saskatchewan Farm w..
Canola Harvesting in Saskatchewan with..more

Seeding Fall Rye, Combining Canola, and Parlour Maintenance
Seeding Fall Rye, Combining Canola, and..
Seeding Fall Rye, Combining Canola, an..more

Weekend Shift and the Start of Canola Harvest!!
Weekend Shift and the Start of Canola Ha..
Weekend Shift and the Start of Canola..more

SPROUTED CANOLA!!! Give me a break
SPROUTED CANOLA!!! Give me a break
SPROUTED CANOLA!!! Give me a break..more

Into the canola!!
Into the canola!!
Into the canola!! | | South..more

ZCZ24 5-min Chart

ZCZ24 chartRisk Management Recommendations
Feeder Cattle248.400-1.900 
Live Cattle187.100-0.775 
Lean Hogs75.325-1.850 
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