About Persian Darnel:Persian Darnel is an annual grass that reproduces by the release of their seeds. Due to this grassy weeds characteristic, similar to barley and wheat, it is very difficult to identify and can go undetected in fields until harvest, causing a significant crop loss. Family: Grass Family (Gramineae) 
Persian Darnel Scouting and Prevention:Persian Darnel is bright green with a slightly rounded stem, and with branches near the base, standing upright at about 15 to 45 cm tall. The leaves are narrow and long, with rough margins and upper surface, with a smooth underside. Leaves that emerge later have prominent veins. Persian Darnel also produces spikelet’s that sit on opposite sides of the stem containing 5 to 7 seeds. These seeds are enclosed in palea and lemma that stay on the seed when it is being transferred. Persian Darnel is known for germinating early in the growing season, which would be at the beginning of spring. Common locations- - Relatively dry soil
- - Pastures/prairies
- - Barley fields
- - Corn fields
- - Oat fields
- - Wheat fields
PreventionPrevention of Persian Darnel is less expensive and less time-consuming than trying to control it. Make sure when you are seeding a new area you are doing so with certified weed-free seeds. If there is an infested area on your property, be sure to drive around, instead of through it. Finally, make sure to give all equipment that has been in infested fields a good clean, to make sure no seeds are transferred. Persian Darnel Control:Cultural ControlPersian Darnel germinates in early spring therefore it can be controlled with delayed seeding. In the spring a shallow tillage will promote the weeds germination. Wait until the majority of the weeds seedlings have emerged, then till the infested areas right before seeding desired crops. It is important to remember that delaying seeding of almost any field crop past the ideal planting date will almost always result in some yield reduction. Chemical ControlIf you are looking to take herbicide control of Persian Darnel in your cereal crops and more specifically wheat and barley fields, the products below work well. Achieve DG, Achieve extra gold, Hoegrass and Hoegrass II applied when the weeds have 1 to 4 leaves is the best time for optimal control. If you are looking for control in oilseeds and Pulse crops use Fusion, Hoegrass, Poast or Venture DG. These herbicides applied in canola, flax, peas and lentil fields when the weeds have 1 to 6 leaves on their stock provide adequate control over Persian Darnel. Latin / Alternative Persian Darnel names:Additional Persian Darnel Resourceshttp://www.cropscience.bayer.ca/en/Pest-Finder/Weeds/Grassy/Persian-darnel.aspx#accordion_2 http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/Default.aspx?DN=9cbe3b8d-3de4-4b86-bef7-acbff128ff9c |