Tumble Mustard can be an annual or winter weed reproducing by the release of their seeds. This broadleaf weed is also known as Jim Hill mustard, and tumbling mustard. Family: Mustard Family (Cruciferae) 
Tumble Mustard Scouting and Prevention:Fully mature Tumble Mustard weed stands an erect 1 to 4 ft. tall, with many branches at the top of the plant. The lower leaves and stem of the plant are hairy, and the top of the plant is not. The first leaves Tumble Mustard produces are in basal rosettes that eventually become shallowly toothed, deeply lobed, large and hairy. As the plant matures the leaves become narrow and divide into slender segments, sometimes looking nearly thread-like. Tumble Mustard produces flowers that cluster at the ends of thick branches. These flowers bloom from April to September, with 4 pale yellow petals. Common locations- - Sandy soil
- - Grain fields
- - Vegetable fields
- - Agronomic crops
PreventionPrevention of Tumble Mustard is less expensive and less time-consuming than trying to control it. Make sure when you are seeding a new area you are doing so with certified weed-free seeds. If there is an infested area on your property, be sure to drive around instead of through it. Finally, make sure to give all equipment that has been in infested fields a good clean, to make sure no seeds are transferred. Tumble Mustard Control:Cultural ControlTo take control of Tumble Mustard, weed digging or pulling in early spring works well. Mowing is another action that will prevent the weed from flowering, making them unable to release seeds. Tillage is a very viable option in the control of early/young Tumble Mustard. Tillage has to be able to go deep enough to cut the root at a minimum depth of 10cm below the leaf. Chemical ControlGlysophate is an effective chemical to help control the growth and spreading of this weed. This herbicide needs to be used once the Tumble Mustard is established, and application should be done either pre or post-harvest, or both. Latin / Alternative Tumble Mustard names:- - Sisymbrium altissimum L.,
- - Tumbling mustard
- - Tumbleweed
- - Jim Hill mustard
- - Sisymbre élevé
- - Moutarde roulante
Additional Tumble Mustard Resourceshttp://www.kcweeds.com/index.pl?%7C%7Cac=kc_weeds&%7C%7Ccm=2c&%7C%7Ccv=1&%7C%7Cpp=5&%7C%7Crp=1&%7C%7Crv=basic&%7C%7Csi=UYVQ85KTNYUU5ITMQOZR&%7C%7Csrt=t&%7C%7Csrtin=a&%7C%7Ctr=ZL51ZZO0M5&%7C%7Cudid=52&go=76 |