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Canola Videos

Check out our collection of canola videos, including videos on canola news, canola reports, Canola Watch, canola harvesting, Canola Council, and more.
Clubroot of Canola Disease Cycle

Clubroot of Canola Disease Cycle

Clubroot is a serious soil-borne disease of cruciferous crops. In canola, it causes swellings or galls to form on the roots, which ultimately causes premature death of the plant. It is caused by a fungus-like protist called Plasmodiophora brassicae. Watch to gain a better understanding of this d... More
Canola 4R Advantage - Year Two Program Enhancements

Canola 4R Advantage - Year Two Program Enhancements

Hear from Samara Hutton, CCC director of corporate programs, as she covers program enhancements for year two of Canola 4R Advantage.... More
Biofuels & Processing

Biofuels & Processing

This Canola Industry Meeting (Day 1 of Canola Week 2022) session includes the following presentations: (00:00) Chairs: Keith Downey, Retired Research Scientist and Clinton Jurke, Canola Council of Canada (0:49) Renewable Fuel Demand in North America: Opportunities for Crush Expansion by Chris ... More
Finishing up Canola | Gleaner S98 | Massey Ferguson

Finishing up Canola | Gleaner S98 | Massey Ferguson

This week we finished canola and got a bite on starting soybeans.... More
Field to table, eat well together in support of Canada

Field to table, eat well together in support of Canada's Take Out

In partnership with farmers across the country, Canola Growers have rallied to surround their restauranteur cohorts, sending messages of hope and support; and to further amplify their voice, are releasing a video to encourage Canadians to participate in Canada Takeout Day.... More
Good As Gold

Good As Gold

Good As Gold | Canola Council... More
Pricing canola, big dollar farming

Pricing canola, big dollar farming

Pricing canola, big dollar farming | | Millionaire Farmer... More

High Oil Content and Short-Term Bag Storage

High Oil Content and Short-Term Bag Storage

Watch as Dr. Digvir Jayas, VP of research at the University of Manitoba, discusses research in studying the difference in storage characteristics between high oil content canola and regular oil content canola.... More
Assessing Your Plant Count

Assessing Your Plant Count

Agronomist Justine Cornelsen shares four different techniques you can use when you are out assessing your plant stand.... More
Sclerotinia Petal Test

Sclerotinia Petal Test

Watch as Dr. Kelly Turkington, research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Lacombe, Alberta, discusses recent research into the delivery of practical sclerotinia stem rot risk forecasts based on improved assessment of canola petal infestation.... More
How to interpret race tests for blackleg resistance selection

How to interpret race tests for blackleg resistance selection

Clint Jurke, CCC blackleg lead, explains how to use to use a Leptosphaeria maculans race test to choose the right blackleg resistance for your canola field. For more information on blackleg in canola... More
Why Farmers Spray Chemicals On The Fields

Why Farmers Spray Chemicals On The Fields

Do farmers spray lots of chemicals on the field? This may surprise you... - - - Seeding is complete and in-crop spraying is just starting. I am spraying the first application of RoundUp on our canola field.... More
Stand Establishment with Brittany Hennig

Stand Establishment with Brittany Hennig

Learn more about canola research at the Canola Research Hub - More
This Canola Won

This Canola Won't Die!

Combining and spraying standing canola... More
Canola Watch: Sclerotinia fungicide timing

Canola Watch: Sclerotinia fungicide timing

Timing a fungicide application for sclerotinia management can be a difficult task. CCC agronomy specialist, Angela Brackenreed explains how to determine bloom percentages to help properly time a fungicide application... More
How to scout and manage sclerotinia stem rot

How to scout and manage sclerotinia stem rot

Colleen Redlick, Technical Service Specialist with BASF Canada gives us tips on how and when to scout for sclerotinia and how to best manage it to assure the best yield.... More
Fields to Forks - Manitoba Canola Growers - 2021

Fields to Forks - Manitoba Canola Growers - 2021

Fields to Forks brings you an inside look at the industry that feeds us. Canadian Farmers are the guardians of our land. By tending the soil, raising crops, feeding livestock and harvesting bounty, Farmers provide food, from their fields to our forks. There is a passion, dedication and commi... More
Crossing The Harvest Finish Line

Crossing The Harvest Finish Line

The last day of harvesting canola... More
This Canola Is Crap!

This Canola Is Crap!

The south canola isn't very good as we are on the home stretch of harvest... More
Canola Pod Drop and Seed Shatter

Canola Pod Drop and Seed Shatter

Watch as Dr. Rob Gulden with the University of Manitoba discusses a recent study of investigating the best methods to estimate canola pod drop and seed shattering.... More
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