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Nuffield announces scholarship recipients for 2017

Recipients will travel to Brazil next March

By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content

Nuffield Canada announced the four recipients of its 2017 scholarship program.

Nicole MacKellar, Jason Fransoo, Kristina Polzhein and Matt Hamill are receiving various scholarships. Beginning in March 2017, they will travel internationally, meeting with industry experts to discussing global agriculture, business and work on their own personal development.

Nicole MacKellar
Nicole MacKellar
Supplied photo

In addition to being an active member on her family’s cash crop farm, Nicole MacKellar is the Manager of Market Development at Grain Farmers of Ontario. She will study the possibilities for branding of commodities that are further processed into ingredients.

Nicole’s social media accounts:
Twitter: @NMackellar
Instagram: nmackellar

Jason Fransoo
Jason Fransoo
Photo: LinkedIn

Jason Fransoo studied economics at the University of Alberta, earned a Master’s Degree in Public Policy at the University of Calgary and is currently the Commercial Manager, Fertilizers, for the Canadian Pacific Railroad. He will study global grain transportation systems, hoping to bring better policies and operations to Canada.

Jason’s social media accounts:

Twitter: @J.Fransoo
LinkedIn: jasonfransoo
Instagram: jsoo27

Kristina Polziehn
Kristina Polziehn
Photo: LinkedIn

Kristina Polziehn has a Master’s Degree from the University of Alberta and a background in plant science and agronomy. She’s currently the President of Axiom Agronomy Ltd. and will study the applications for remote sensing in crop production using manned and unmanned aircraft.

Kristina’s social media accounts:

Twitter: @AxiomAgronomy
Facebook: Axiom Agronomy

Matt Hamill
Matt Hamill
Photo: LinkedIn

In 2014, Matt Hamill co-founded Red Shed Malting, one of the first specialty malt houses in Alberta. He will study craft malting company best practices, looking for opportunities to grow and improve the malt industry.

Matt’s social media accounts:

Twitter: @HamillMatt
Facebook: maltstermatt
Instagram: redshedmalting
LinkedIn: mattredshedmalting extends its congratulations to the recipients.

Applications for the 2018 scholarship are due April 30, 2017.

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