» Need for pathogen-specific diagnosis expected to increase as antibiotic use decreases
(Aug 08, 2022) Marketing
» Saskatchewan pork sector, government & wildlife groups collaborating to address feral pigs
(Aug 08, 2022) Marketing
» Intrauterine Vaccination Offers Safer Less Stressful Alternative to Needles
(Aug 08, 2022) Marketing
» Feed Grain Prices Expected to Determine Hog Market Profitability this Winter
(Aug 08, 2022) Marketing
» Pork Producers Advised to Lock in a Portion of Production for the Winter and Early Spring
(Aug 08, 2022) Marketing
» USDA Funding Demonstrates U.S. Commitment to Foreign Animal Disease Prevention and Control
(Aug 08, 2022) Marketing
» International Cooperation Contributes to Progress in Dealing with Feral Pigs
(Aug 08, 2022) Marketing
» Researchers Examine Role of PCV3 in Infection in Pigs
(Aug 01, 2022) Marketing
» Need for Pathogen Specific Diagnosis Expected to Increase as Antibiotic Use Decreases
(Aug 01, 2022) Marketing
» New Swine Health Information Center Initiative to Focus on Finishing Phase Biosecurity
(Aug 01, 2022) Marketing
» Benchmarking Project Expected to Shed Light on Antibiotic Use on Saskatchewan Hog Farms
(Aug 01, 2022) Marketing
» Zoning Key to Continued Cross Border Livestock Movement in Animal Health Emergency
(Aug 01, 2022) Marketing
» Global pork market outlook: Trade prospects rise, but disease and inflation hinder growth
(Jul 28, 2022) Marketing
» Sask Pork welcomes new board of directors and executive
(Jul 25, 2022) Marketing
» Researchers Examine Role of PCV3 in Infection in Pigs
(Jul 25, 2022) Marketing
» Saskatchewan Pork Sector, Government, Wildlife Groups Collaborating to Address Feral Pigs
(Jul 25, 2022) Marketing
» Grower-Finisher Pigs Can Be Stimulated to Engage in Play
(Jul 25, 2022) Marketing
» Strategic Trapping Most Effective Means of Controlling Wild Pigs
(Jul 25, 2022) Marketing
» Global appetite for pork
(Jul 21, 2022) Marketing
» Hampsonii Remains Most Commonly Diagnosed Species of Brachyspira in Western Canada
(Jul 18, 2022) Marketing
» Overall Rate of PRRS Virus Declined in U.S. in June
(Jul 18, 2022) Marketing
» Efforts to Control Feral Pigs In Saskatchewan Showing Signs of Success
(Jul 18, 2022) Marketing
» Increased Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Detection Raises Concern
(Jul 18, 2022) Marketing
» Research Indicates Porcine Morbillivirus Presents Minimal Risk to U.S. Swine
(Jul 18, 2022) Marketing
» Making Sense of California's Proposition 12
(Jul 12, 2022) Marketing
» Intrauterine Vaccination Offers Needle-Free Alternative to Protecting Pigs from PEDv
(Jul 11, 2022) Marketing
» War in Ukraine Jeopardises Global Food Security
(Jul 11, 2022) Marketing
» Manitoba Wild Pig Numbers Much Larger than Anticipated
(Jul 11, 2022) Marketing
» Albertans Encouraged to Use One of Four Options for Reporting Wild Pig Sightings
(Jul 11, 2022) Marketing
» SHIC Funded Research Examines Biosecurity Gaps on Grower-Finisher Sites
(Jul 11, 2022) Marketing
» Bodmin Swine Genetics Inc. and Topigs Norsvin Canada Inc. announce strategic partnership
(Jul 11, 2022) Marketing
» Baiting and Trapping Shown Effective in Eradicating Wild Pigs
(Jul 11, 2022) Marketing
» Maintaining Pig Movements in Uninfected Areas Top Priority in Event of ASF
(Jul 04, 2022) Marketing
» Record High Feed Grain Prices Expected to Drive Up Meat Prices
(Jul 04, 2022) Marketing
» Foreign Animal Disease Investigation Rules Out Food and Mouth Disease in Britain
(Jul 04, 2022) Marketing
» Assessment of Swine Transport Movement Tracking Technology Underway in Saskatchewan
(Jul 04, 2022) Marketing
» Biden Administration Praised for Supporting Supreme Court Proposition 12 Challenge
(Jul 04, 2022) Marketing
» Canadian U.S. Pork Sector Collaboration Called for In Communicating with Consumers and Governments
(Jul 04, 2022) Marketing
» CPC Applauds Ground Beef and Pork Exemption From Front of Package Labelling Requirements
(Jul 04, 2022) Marketing
» Sask Pork welcomes new measures to control feral pigs in Saskatchewan
(Jun 17, 2022) Marketing
» Livestock advocate raising concerns over potential pig waste in Red River
(Jun 08, 2022) Marketing
» Wild pigs: an ecological train wreck
(Jun 01, 2022) Marketing
» Get ready for 2022 World Pork Expo
(Jun 01, 2022) Marketing
» Saskatchewan Livestock Expo raises $35,000 for charity
(May 17, 2022) Marketing
» Hog farmers safeguarding our natural resources
(May 16, 2022) Marketing
» Canadian Meat Council receives funding to grow exports
(May 11, 2022) Marketing
» Manitoba Pork launches wild pig reporting program
(May 10, 2022) Marketing
» Agriculture sector receives funding focusing on emergency preparedness
(May 05, 2022) Marketing
» Animal Health Canada and Swine Innovation Porc receive funding in recognition of Emergency Preparedness Week
(May 05, 2022) Marketing
» Wild pigs continue to be a concern on the Prairies
(Apr 13, 2022) Marketing