» NPPC: U.S. tariffs need to end
(Jan 29, 2019) Marketing
» EU excludes ag in U.S. trade talks
(Jan 22, 2019) Marketing
» Reduce fibre to improve carcass yields
(Jan 15, 2019) Marketing
» Recognizing swine industry wins
(Jan 02, 2019) Marketing
» Feds invest in Canadian swine projects
(Dec 18, 2018) Marketing
» Keeping ASF out of North America
(Dec 11, 2018) Marketing
» Canadian pork producers welcome USMCA
(Dec 04, 2018) Marketing
» Diminishing tariff impacts on U.S. pork
(Nov 27, 2018) Marketing
» Canada looks to Chinese pork markets
(Nov 20, 2018) Marketing
» Manitoba progresses in eliminating PED
(Nov 13, 2018) Marketing
» CPTPP ratification reassures pork markets
(Nov 05, 2018) Marketing
» NPPC praises Philippines trade progress
(Oct 23, 2018) Marketing
» China increasing biosecurity, CPC says
(Oct 09, 2018) Marketing
» U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement helpful, says CPC
(Oct 02, 2018) Marketing
» US pig farmers brace for second round of pork tariffs from China, Mexico
(Jul 05, 2018) Marketing
» Increased U.S. Pork Production, Uncertain Export Demand Pressuring Hog Prices
(Jul 05, 2018) Marketing
» Canada’s pork market expands
(Apr 24, 2018) Marketing
» Opening the border to trade: U.S. claims CSF is not a risk in Mexican pork imports
(Jan 16, 2018) Marketing
» American swine producers see positive returns on Pork Checkoff investments
(Jan 09, 2018) Marketing
» Healthier “Naked Bacon” launched by UK company
(Jan 09, 2018) Marketing
» Farmers nervous about potential U.S. departure from NAFTA
(Jan 02, 2018) Marketing
» USDA Hogs and Pigs Report: Inventory Up 2%.
(Dec 22, 2017) Marketing
» Canadian pork producers rejoice: Stronger ties with China
(Dec 05, 2017) Marketing
» Trading after Trump: TPP still on the table
(Nov 14, 2017) Marketing
» The new and improved Pig Mobile
(Nov 07, 2017) Marketing
» Canadian pork industry gathers to discuss hot topics
(Nov 02, 2017) Marketing
» ‘And this little piggy went to market:’ U.S. pork industry to expand
(Oct 31, 2017) Marketing
» U.S. pork industry expected to grow through 2025
(Oct 17, 2017) Marketing
» Hog market highs: USDA report reveals soaring supplies
(Oct 03, 2017) Marketing
» New Clemens Pork Processing Plant Opens
(Sep 06, 2017) Marketing
» USDA Hogs and Pigs Report Released.
(Jun 30, 2017) Marketing
» Swine industry numbers improve
(May 30, 2017) Marketing
» Analyzing the genetic potential and health status of your herd
(May 16, 2017) Marketing
» Pig fertility research featured in new report
(Apr 25, 2017) Marketing
» Now is the time for pork producers to start farm projects
(Apr 11, 2017) Marketing
» USDA Hogs and Pigs Report Bearish Futures.
(Mar 31, 2017) Marketing
» 2016 Record Year For U.S. Pork Exports
(Feb 20, 2017) Marketing
» Trade Is Key For Agriculture
(Feb 06, 2017) Marketing
» USDA Hogs & Pigs Report - Inventory Up 4%
(Dec 24, 2016) Marketing
» USDA Announces Farmer Fair Practices Rules
(Dec 16, 2016) Marketing
» Secretary Vilsack Throws A GIPSA Grenade.
(Dec 16, 2016) Marketing
» Trump Vows To Withdraw US From TPP on Day 1.
(Nov 24, 2016) Marketing
» USDA Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report
(Sep 30, 2016) Marketing
» Dr Tom Stein Joins i-Novarum/Maximus Team
(Sep 13, 2016) Marketing
» USDA Releases Bearish Quarterly Hog & Pigs Report.
(Jun 24, 2016) Marketing
» PorkPod: Insight into the pork price outlook and packer capacity
(Jun 20, 2016) Marketing
» Ron Plain Hog Outlook: USDA Pork Production Up 2.0%.
(May 14, 2016) Marketing
» DuBreton Is Canada’s Leader in Certified Humane Pork
(Apr 28, 2016) Marketing
» Iowa Swine Day - Industry Focused Event on June 30.
(Apr 27, 2016) Marketing
» Pork Producers Could See Modest Profits in 2016
(Apr 01, 2016) Marketing