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Sudden Death Syndrome | Soybean Cyst Nematode

Sudden Death Syndrome | Soybean Cyst Nematode

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss identifying SDS and SCN in soybeans, and things you could try to reduce pressure of these two problems in your soybean crop.... More
Pre-Emerge Corn Herbicides

Pre-Emerge Corn Herbicides

The Hefty brothers share some ideas for herbicides you could use pre-emerge in your corn fields to ensure great weed control.... More
Iron Talk - Mixing In-Furrow Liquid Products

Iron Talk - Mixing In-Furrow Liquid Products

Darren Hefty talks about adding a Dosatron to a planter setup, and how it can help you safely mix several in-furrow liquid products.... More
Farm Basics - Ag PhD Field Guide App

Farm Basics - Ag PhD Field Guide App

The Ag PhD Field Guide App is a free app that you may use to identify weeds and insects in your fields, as well as look up ways to control them in your fields.... More
Weed of the Week - Field Bindweed

Weed of the Week - Field Bindweed

Darren and Brian Hefty share ideas to control field bindweed on the farm.... More
Farm Basics - 2019 Ag PhD Field Day

Farm Basics - 2019 Ag PhD Field Day

The Hefty brothers invite you to join them on their farm on July 25, 2019 for the Ag PhD Field Day!... More
Farm Basics - Freeze-Thaw Effect

Farm Basics - Freeze-Thaw Effect

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the freeze-thaw effect and its benefit to soils.... More

Soybean Farmers Celebrate National Biodiesel Day

Soybean Farmers Celebrate National Biodiesel Day

South Dakota soybean farmers are celebrating National Biodiesel Day. This renewable fuel is good for South Dakota soybean farmers because it supports soybean prices, but it also helps the environment. Michelle Rook has the story.... More
How Do You Scout for Wheat Rust?

How Do You Scout for Wheat Rust?

Bob Hunger shows us how to scout for rusts on wheat. He also explains how rusts can impact the growth and productivity of the plant.... More
Weed Control Vital to Getting Crops Off to a Good Start

Weed Control Vital to Getting Crops Off to a Good Start

The calendar has turned to March, and that’s when Louisiana farmers begin returning to their fields and plant some of their crops. This year’s wet winter has made it hard for growers to rid their fields of weeds and get the fields ready. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux reports.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

In the Mesonet weather report, Wes Lee shows us how to use the Mesonet app as a guide to start scouting for first hollow stem. Gary McManus says although it seems like it has been cold, we’re actually pretty close to the overall average.... More
First hollow stem

First hollow stem

This week on SUNUP, we start with information on first hollow stem from Heath Sanders.... More
Weather with Al Dutcher

Weather with Al Dutcher

It’s almost spring, but will it feel like it? Al Dutcher, Nebraska Extension Agricultural Climatologist, gives his forecast for the coming week.... More
Planting Early In Cold Soils

Planting Early In Cold Soils

Planting corn early into cold soils is a common issue in the northern USA. Brian and Darren Hefty offer tips on getting the best emergence and crop protection if you plant into cold soils.... More
Ag Minute - Producing More With Less Seed

Ag Minute - Producing More With Less Seed

Darren Hefty explains how farmers are actually getting more yield with planting fewer seeds.... More
Weed of the Week - Amazon Sprangletop

Weed of the Week - Amazon Sprangletop

The Hefty brothers discuss control options if you have Amazon sprangletop in your cropland.... More
Iron Talk - Spring Soil Sampling

Iron Talk - Spring Soil Sampling

Soil sampling in the spring can be a challenge. Darren Hefty has some tips to get accurate soil samples if you need to do spring soil sampling.... More
Pre-Emerge Herbicides For Wheat-Cotton-Milo

Pre-Emerge Herbicides For Wheat-Cotton-Milo

The Hefty brothers discuss your options for pre-emerge weed control in your wheat, cotton, and milo fields.... More
SD Soybean Farmers Attend Commodity Classic

SD Soybean Farmers Attend Commodity Classic

South Dakota soybean farmers attending this year's Commodity Classic in Orlando took in educational sessions and a sold out trade show to learn about new technologies to improve their profitability on the farm. The Association also set policy that will be used to lobby for legislation on the st... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee compares current soil temperatures across the state to those from one year ago. Gary McManus says drought has reentered Oklahoma, but it likely won’t stay long.... More
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