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Crop Pollination: Honeybees

Jul 31, 2019

Video: Crop Pollination: Honeybees

John Gibeau, a commercial beekeeper from Surrey, British Columbia, discusses the current climate of colony collapse disorder, crop pollination, sustainable farming, and the benefits of science and research in regards to helping beekeeper’s keep informed of best management practices for their colonies. John discusses the factors that lead to colony collapse disorder, including monoculture diets, climate, and other environmental factors. The Honeybee Centre offers crop pollination services to help local blueberry farmers in the lower mainland of British Columbia ensure crop survival. By providing these services, beekeepers offer a way for farmers to continue to farm sustainably as wild bee populations continue to decline. Without crop pollinators, John suggests that the food industry would be in trouble and discusses research in proteomics being done at the University of British Columbia as a source for providing beekeepers with important information about how to best manage their bee colonies.