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Unlocking the secrets of phosphorus in soil management

 Just like humans, plants need nutrients to survive and grow, and many of these nutrients are important compounds found in soil. A University of Saskatchewan (USask) researcher is exploring how phosphorus, an important nutrient for humans and plants, reacts with mineral compounds and how these reactions can impact how well phosphorus is used in soil.

Although phosphorus is required for the growth of plants, USask master’s student Catherine Chavez said it is important to use it efficiently in soil because there is only a finite amount to go around.

“Phosphorus is a required nutrient for all living organisms, and its availability is controlled by adsorption processes,” said Chavez.

Adsorption describes a process where particles of one substance adhere to the surface of another. Her research project is exploring how a wide range of phosphorus compounds react with iron oxide minerals.

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Follow the Soybean Farmer

Video: Follow the Soybean Farmer

Lyle Peters is excited to welcome you to his farm, Henervic Farms, out near Hanover, Manitoba! Students will learn all about soybeans, including planting, crop care, harvest, and the nutrition soybeans provide. Teachers, check out your AITC Dashboard for a soybean classroom resource to pair with this tour video! Thank you to Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers and Penner Farm Services for making this event possible.