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Poultry Farming Videos

Watch educational poultry farming videos about chickens, turkeys, and other fowl from poultry farmers and researchers. Learn about the latest news in the poultry farming industry, as well as how to take care better care of poultry. Videos discuss poultry science, feeding, antibiotic usage, handling, and more.
Poultry Producers Facing Higher Hurdles with USDA Food-Safety Standards

Poultry Producers Facing Higher Hurdles with USDA Food-Safety Standards

Poultry producers can expect to jump higher hurdles as USDA continues to raise the bar for food safety, Ashley Peterson, PhD, senior vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs, National Chicken Council, told Poultry Health Today.... More
SD Soybean Farmer Promotes Poultry Exports in India

SD Soybean Farmer Promotes Poultry Exports in India

The poultry industry is the top customer for U.S. and South Dakota soybean farmers. As a result, they're helping to promote poultry and egg exports in countries like India. Michelle Rook talks to an area farmer that took part in a recent trade mission.... More
Life without Antibiotics: Field Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Life without Antibiotics: Field Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Producers need to think long and hard before jumping into “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) poultry production, Tim Cummings, DVM, technical service veterinarian for Zoetis, told Poultry Health Today.... More
‘Causal’ Pie Chart Can Help Manage Necrotic Enteritis

‘Causal’ Pie Chart Can Help Manage Necrotic Enteritis

Use of a simple “causal” pie chart is proving to be a helpful tool for controlling necrotic enteritis (NE), Joel L. Cline, DVM, a veterinarian with Wayne Farms, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Dirty Chick Boxes Can be Source of Salmonella at Hatcheries

Dirty Chick Boxes Can be Source of Salmonella at Hatcheries

Dirty chick boxes at hatcheries can be a source of Salmonella, but the risk was still lower than expected in a study conducted at one US hatchery, according to Kathryn McCullough, a DVM candidate at North Carolina State University.... More
Advanced Diagnostic Tests Helping Identify IBV in Europe

Advanced Diagnostic Tests Helping Identify IBV in Europe

The QX strain of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) remains the most common variant of IBV in Europe, but the prevalence of the variant 02 strain appears to be on the increase, indicate results from the Zoetis diagnostic laboratory in France.... More
Navigating the Maze of Alternative Products for Necrotic Enteritis Control

Navigating the Maze of Alternative Products for Necrotic Enteritis Control

The effectiveness of antibiotic alternatives is going to vary among “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) production systems, and it’s up to the producers to figure out which alternatives will work in their particular operation, Greg Mathis, PhD, of Southern Poultry Research, told Poultry Health Today.... More

Dirty Chick Boxes Can Be Source Of Salmonella At Hatcheries

Dirty Chick Boxes Can Be Source Of Salmonella At Hatcheries

Dirty chick boxes at hatcheries can be a source of Salmonella, but the risk was still lower than expected in a study conducted at one US hatchery, according to Kathryn McCullough, a DVM candidate at North Carolina State University.... More
Urban Chicken Movement Requires Legislators to Learn Chicken Basics

Urban Chicken Movement Requires Legislators to Learn Chicken Basics

Legislators need to know some basics about raising chickens in response to an upsurge in the “urban chicken” trend, Nat Tablante, DVM, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Effective Biosecurity Requires Addressing the Culture of a Company

Effective Biosecurity Requires Addressing the Culture of a Company

Effective biosecurity on poultry farms requires developing the kind of culture that motivates everyone in the company to adhere to the procedures that protect flocks from infectious disease, Gregorio Rosales, DVM, PhD, an independent poultry consultant, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Early exposure to Clostridium protects birds from necrotic enteritis

Early exposure to Clostridium protects birds from necrotic enteritis

Early exposure to Clostridium perfringens (CP) in used litter may be a way to minimize the impact of necrotic enteritis (NE) in broilers, Steve Davis, DVM, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Vet Scripts - Northern Fowl Mites

Vet Scripts - Northern Fowl Mites

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about the northern fowl mite and how it transmits diseases in poultry.... More
Sanitation key to successful NAE production

Sanitation key to successful NAE production

The key to successful “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) broiler production is cleanliness throughout every step of production, including a pristine hatchery, Armando Mirande, DVM, a veterinarian with Miller Poultry, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Refined Carbs Show Promise as ‘Sentinel’ for Salmonella Control

Refined Carbs Show Promise as ‘Sentinel’ for Salmonella Control

Higher government standards for Salmonella control have put more pressure on poultry companies to reduce incidence on broiler farms and lower the pathogen load going into processing.... More
E. Coli Vaccination Helps Contain Losses in Broilers with IB Infection

E. Coli Vaccination Helps Contain Losses in Broilers with IB Infection

Field experience with infectious bronchitis (IB) in broilers during a harsh winter demonstrated that vaccination for secondary Escherichia coli infection helped stem losses, according to Kalen Cookson, DVM, MAM.... More

California's Poultry Threatened by Newcastle Disease

As U.S. and Chinese trade officials plan another round of talks, there is a deal in the works to improve poultry exports to China.... More
Biosecurity Expert Sees More Room For Improvement On Poultry Farms

Biosecurity Expert Sees More Room For Improvement On Poultry Farms

Biosecurity on commercial poultry farms has come a long way but still has far to go, Joseph Giambrone, PhD, professor of poultry science, Auburn University, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Can Water Treatments Help Reduce Salmonella Levels Before Processing?

Can Water Treatments Help Reduce Salmonella Levels Before Processing?

Feed withdrawal before moving broilers to the processing plant appears to increase their susceptibility to Salmonella, indicates research from the University of Georgia. When feed is withdrawn, a decrease in lactic acid production occurs, causing the pH to become more neutral. The result is an ... More
IBV Vaccination Protects Broilers Despite Ammonia Exposure

IBV Vaccination Protects Broilers Despite Ammonia Exposure

A recent study corroborates previous findings that broilers properly vaccinated for infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) are protected from IBV challenge despite exposure to moderate levels of ammonia.... More
Heat Stress may Impair Immune System in Broilers

Heat Stress may Impair Immune System in Broilers

Heat stress in broilers induced lesions of lymphoid tissues, indicating immune system impairment, but it’s not yet known if heat stress affects the vulnerability or severity of coccidiosis, Bryan Aguanta, a graduate student at the University of Georgia, told Poultry Health Today.... More
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