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Campaign Seeks to Raise Money for Injured Farmers

By Amanda Brodhagen,

A new fundraising campaign aims to raise money to help injured farmers get back to agriculture.

Farm Credit Canada (FCC), the Rick Hanson Foundation and the Canadian Agriculture Safety Association (CASA) launched the Get Back to Ag campaign May 29, with the hope to raise money for Canadian farmers who have faced life changing injuries, including paralysis and lost limbs, get back to the work that they love – farming.

The social media campaign encourages people to like or share FCCs posts on Facebook and on Twitter to retweet tweets or use the hashtag #BacktoAg. And for every action, FCC has pledged to contribute $1 - up to $100,000 towards the cause. The campaign ends on June 13.

In addition to raising funds, the social media campaign provides a platform for injured farmers and their families to share their personal stories.

Money raised will go towards running the newly created Back to Ag program. The program will provide injured farmers with the opportunity to apply for funding to buy adaptive technology or equipment so that they can return to work on the farm. The pilot project will begin accepting applications in October. Funds are expected to be given out in 2015.

How you can get involved

•   Facebook – ‘like’ or share posts
    Info: FCC’s Facebook page can be found by clicking here.

•   Twitter – Retweet (RT) or use the hashtag #BacktoAg
      Info: FCC’s Twitter handle is @FCCagriculture


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