Farm is located 100ft underground
By Diego Flammini,
It’s easy to notice a farm when passing by one. The crops swaying in the wind, the sounds of the machinery and the smells of hard work are all unmistakeable.
But how easy is it to notice a farm when walking on top of one? It may sound a little strange but that’s what’s happening in London, England.
Growing Underground, created by Richard Ballard and Steven Dring, two entrepreneurs who have also involved Michel Roux Jr., a Michelin-starred chef, is growing crops in an unlikely environment.
More than 100ft underground, in tunnels that were once used during World War II and about two miles from downtown London is where the farm is situated.
“Using the latest hydroponic systems and LED technology, our crops can be grown year-round in the perfect, pesticide-free environment that these forgotten tunnels provide. Because we have total control over their environment, each tiny leaf tastes as amazing as the last and because they are unaffected by the weather and seasonal changes, we can reduce the need to import crops and drastically reduce the food miles for retailers and consumers,” the website states.
The farm is currently growing radishes and mustard leaf but could also grow watercress, Thai basil, rocket, red vein sorrel, red amaranth, pea shoots, mizuna, micro rocket, garlic chive and coriander.

The underground farm is also estimating a fast turnaround between the time the herbs are packed and arrive at their destination.
“Our leaves can be in your kitchen within 4 hours of being picked and packed,” says the website.
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