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California biomass facility hopes to receive $14.6m from US government

A biomass facility has been proposed to be constructed just outside of Jamestown in Tuolumne County, California in the US, reported MyMotherLode.
The site would be constructed on 17 acres near the Sierra Conservation Centre, off O'Byrnes Ferry Road.

Tuolumne Biomass LLC plans to lease the property from T-Five Ranches Inc, with county documents stating that an existing solar farm would remain operational.
The project applicants are seeking a Conditional Use Permit, Air Pollution Control Distric Permit, construction permit, grading and encroachment permits, changes in the Williamson Act contract and state water board permits.

The Tuolumne County Community Development Department are currently reviewing the project in a 30-day process.

With a total project cost of $14.6 million (€13.7m), with the majority coming from government grants and loans - including a $4.2m (€3.9m) grant from the HUD National Resilience Programme, a $3.5m (€3.2m) loan from the same programme, a $2m (€1.8m) HUD Residual Receipts Loan, a $2m CAL Fire Workforce Development Grant, an $800,000 (€753k) US Forest Service Community Wood Grant, a $60k (€565k),RCAC/EDA Revolving Small Business Loan and $1.5 million (€1.4m) in private equity funding.

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We are a family farm in Ontario showing you what we do on our farm to produce eggs and what goes on day to day. Every day we do chores, gather eggs and make feed. On our farm we plant the crops and harvest them to feed the chickens, also we start our laying hens from day old chicks and raise them to be the best birds they can be to give you a grade A quality egg. After we are finished looking after our chickens, anything could happen from washing, waxing, fixing, welding, working on engines, working on classic cars, and more. I hope everyone enjoys cheers.