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Cultivating Trust Event Goes Today

Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan holds its Annual Conference this afternoon.
Executive Director Clinton Monchuk says the theme for this year's virtual event is Cultivating Trust and features 2 keynote speakers Professor Timothy Caulfield and Dr Frank Mitloehner.
"Professor Caulfield will be talking about a lot of the misinformation that's out there and how we can deal with it. Dr. Mitloehner is going to be talking about methane cycles. You know there's been a lot of negativity around the livestock industry particularly ruminant production. He's got a great presentation that we're going to be listening to talking about the methane cycle and why a lot of the information that's being spread is in fact misleading to the public."
Another highlight for today will be the presentation of the Farm and Food Care Champion Award which is given out to individuals who strive to engage consumers about agriculture and help farmers build public trust in our province and beyond.
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