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Latest Wasde Paints Brighter Picture for Corn Crop

The latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand report from USDA increased yield for both corn and soybeans. Betty Resnick, American Farm Bureau Federation Economist, says the report comes as harvest is wrapping up across the country.

"As of November 5, which is our latest Crop Progress Report, corn is at 81 percent harvested nationwide and soybeans are at 91 percent harvested nationwide," Resnick said. "So, we’re definitely wrapping up both of those and both are slightly above five-year averages. We've had pretty good harvest conditions. However, they have been battling some pretty wet conditions in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. They're a bit behind schedule, but overall, we've made really good progress in harvest this year."

Resnick says the WASDE report with increased yields reflects the resiliency of the corn crop this year.

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