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Ottawa and Quebec Announce Investment of $25 Million - Competitiveness, Productivity and Efficiency of the Agri-Food Industry

Quebec City - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

The Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec have announced the renewal of the Programme de développement sectoriel [sector development program] (PDS). A budget of $25 million is allocated for the 2018-2023 period, funded by Ottawa and by Quebec.

Jean-Claude Poissant, Parliamentary Secretary to the federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri‑Food, Lawrence MacAulay, and Laurent Lessard, Quebec Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, made the announcement, noting that the program is intended to help stakeholders in the various agri-food sectors to work together to increase collaboration in order to carry out important collective projects that address development issues.

The PDS guides or repositions the efforts of the sectors according to a common vision through the implementation of sector strategic planning. It also promotes the coordination of priority projects and collaboration among the various partners of the agri-food sectors. Stakeholders will work together to determine priorities in selecting the projects that will enable them to achieve their development objectives.

This program has two components:

  • Component 1: Support for sector planning and collaboration;
  • Component 2: Support for sector development.

By promoting value chain development in order to meet the various needs of the markets and consumers both at home and abroad, the PDS 2018-2023 supports the objectives of Quebec’s 2018-2025 Bio-Food Policy - Feeding Our World.

Source : Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

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