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Tips from Agricorp for easy reporting

It’s a busy time of year for farmers across Ontario, with one year wrapping up and a new one in full swing. Producers have secured their ideal risk management coverage and now they’re spending long days in the field planting crops.​

An important part of this busy season is reporting information to keep their program coverage up to date.

There are ways to make reporting easier during such a busy time:​​

Tip Benefit

Don't wait for the deadline:  Deadlines are simply the last day to get things done, but reporting can be crossed off the to-do list as soon as the information is available.

Reporting deadlines are necessary so files are up to date and producers get the service they need when they need it.

Reporting information while it's fresh makes it easier to remember the details.

Early reporting means earlier processing.

It helps to beat the rush if reporting by phone.

Report online:  Livestock sales for the Risk Management Program (RMP), year-end information for AgriStability, and planted acres for Production Insurance can all be submitted by logging in at from anywhere at any time.

Reporting acres for Production Insurance can also be completed without logging in.

Online reporting provides built-in prompts to help producers report correctly, reducing time spent on follow up.

No waiting on the phone at busiest time of year for the call centre.

Have Agricorp ID handy: This one identifier is the key to all of a producer's program information.

Agricorp ID is displayed at the top of program forms.

Saves time whether reporting online or by phone.

Complete all required info:  Accurate details ensure producers pay for the coverage they need and receive the right compensation in the event of a claim.

Complete and accurate details reduce follow up time.

Having details such as acres, dates and sales on hand helps get it done quickly.

Use program material: Materials sent in renewal packages describe what's needed for reporting.

It's helpful to review handbooks, information sheets and other program materials before reporting.

Reporting details are also available on

Get email reminders ​ : Email reminders help producers stay on top of important dates and are tailored to program participation.

Agricorp needs a current email address on file.

Preferences can be managed online.

Report damage:  Damage should be reported for Production Insurance as soon as it occurs.

The sooner it is reported, the sooner Agricorp can help producers with the next steps.

Inspections can be completed right away if required.​

Source: Agricorp

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