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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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I Am Angus: Birth of the Breed

I Am Angus: Birth of the Breed

In a tale as old as the Angus breed itself, the Ballindalloch Castle has sustained a herd of Angus cattle for nearly five centuries. Now widely known as the oldest Angus herd in the world, the herd is still managed by descendants of George McPherson Grant... More
Angus VNR: Better Tools, Better Cattle

Angus VNR: Better Tools, Better Cattle

Melissa Moore, Moore Cattle Co., Charleston, Ark., says data and quality premiums like CAB drive their herd. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk shows us how nighttime feeding can lead to cows giving birth during daylight hours.... More
  Pig Farming: "Modern Trends in Swine Production" Hog Farm Practices

Pig Farming: "Modern Trends in Swine Production" Hog Farm Practices

In developed countries, farming has moved away from traditional pig farming and pigs are now typically intensively farmed.... More
 Iowa Farm Tour - How Pork is Raised

Iowa Farm Tour - How Pork is Raised

What an amazing tour of the Bakker Brother’s Pig Farm in Iowa. I learned more about how our food is raised and how farmers care for their animals. Farmers are committed to providing safe and nutritious food. In the video, you'll learn more about how and when they use antibiotics, modern farming ... More
 Hog Slat Poly Lamp

Hog Slat Poly Lamp

Durable plastic (polypropylene) lamps will not corrode or dent and flexible sides cushion bulbs from breakage. Polypropylene formulation contains UV stabilizers for longevity. Poly Lamp is the only poly shade with an UL listing.... More
Vet Scripts

Vet Scripts

Extension veterinarian, Dr. Barry Whitworth, explains how copper deficiencies can impact calving.... More

Cow-Calf Corner: Grass Tetany

Cow-Calf Corner: Grass Tetany

Glenn Selk says we should start planning for nutritional needs of older cows now, to prevent grass tetany at calving.... More
Cottonseed For Cattle Food?

Cottonseed For Cattle Food?

Dave Lalman has advice for cattle producers planning to feed cottonseed to cattle.... More
Farm Fresh Eggs to Your Kitchen Table

Farm Fresh Eggs to Your Kitchen Table

Farm Fresh Eggs to Your Kitchen Table... More
The Angus Report, December 25, 2017: CattleFax Market Update

The Angus Report, December 25, 2017: CattleFax Market Update

A large percent of cattle on feed are currently hedged. CattleFax Analyst Ethan Oberst shares this report.... More
USDA Sued After Dropping New Fair Practices Rules

USDA Sued After Dropping New Fair Practices Rules

USDA is being sued over its decision to scuttle rule changes that would have granted livestock producer’s leeway in challenging...... More
Angus VNR: Stucky Ranch rides for the brand

Angus VNR: Stucky Ranch rides for the brand

Gordon Stucky, owner-manager of Stucky Ranch, Kingman, Kan., talks about why he opens his gates to tour groups in a narration that shows why he recently earned the Ambassador Award from the Certified Angus Beef brand.... More
Holiday Beef Demand

Holiday Beef Demand

The National Cattlemen's Beef Association and Beef Checkoff are working hard to ensure that when consumers hit the meat case, they choose beef. Season Solorio from NCBA discusses the efforts to promote beef during the holiday season.... More
A Preview of the 2018 CattleFax Outlook Seminar

A Preview of the 2018 CattleFax Outlook Seminar

Duane Lenz of CattleFax gives us a preview of the 2018 CattleFax U.S. Global Protein and Grain Outlook Seminar. This can't miss event is sure to be one of the highlights at the annual Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in Phoenix.... More
 Dairy Compost Barn

Dairy Compost Barn

Dairy Compost Barn... More
U.S. Congressman Talks Beef Exports

U.S. Congressman Talks Beef Exports

Russell Nemetz talks with U.S. Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska to get his perspective on the value of exports and market access to the success of the beef industry.... More
U.S. Beef Exports On Record Pace

U.S. Beef Exports On Record Pace

The beef industry has plenty to celebrate this holiday season - especially with the way exports have been performing.... More
 Feeding Calves

Feeding Calves

Feeding Calves... More
Solution For PRRS

Solution For PRRS

K-State veterinarian Bob Rowland talks about his latest swine genetic work that could well lead to the full eradication of a long-standing and devastating disease in pigs, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, or P-R-R-S...they have found that removing a certain protein from the sow's g... More
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