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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
Beef Cattle Videos (1165) ›Dairy Cattle Videos (384) ›
Poultry Farming Videos (281) ›Sheep Farming Videos (141) ›
Swine (142) ›
How Do You Define Great Cattle?

How Do You Define Great Cattle?

How do you define great cattle? How can Purina help you achieve your goals? Our panel of experts tackle those questions.... More
What Is Causing Swine Market Pressures?

What Is Causing Swine Market Pressures?

The swine market is seeing pressures from many different angles. What is causing this?... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says this may be a buying opportunity for cattle producers with wheat pasture.... More
 Parasite Resistance in Cattle

Parasite Resistance in Cattle

Our panel of experts from Merial discuss parasite resistance and why it's such an important issue.... More
NASDA Meeting - Greg Ibach -

NASDA Meeting - Greg Ibach -

National Associations of State Department of Agriculture meeting where they plan and discuss agriculture issues.... More
What Producers And Veterinarians Think About LONGRANGE®?

What Producers And Veterinarians Think About LONGRANGE®?

Our panel of experts share what producers and veterinarians are saying about how LONGRANGE® performs in the field.... More

What's the Benefit of THERAPHASE™ technology in LONGRANGE®?

What does it mean for LONGRANGE® to have TheraphaseTM technology and what is the benefit for cattle producers?... More

 Cow-Calf Corner: Replacement Heifers

Cow-Calf Corner: Replacement Heifers

Glenn Selk discusses ways to ensure yearly replacement heifers are ready for fall breeding season.... More
Cow Input Costs - Rick Funston

Cow Input Costs - Rick Funston

Rick Funston, Nebraska Extension beef cattle reproductive physiologist, talks about the importance of monitoring input costs for cow/calf producers.... More
AGam In Kansas - West Nile Virus In Horses

AGam In Kansas - West Nile Virus In Horses

(Dr. Chris Blevins) Hello, and welcome to Horsing Around. I'm Dr. Chris Blevins at Kansas State University Veterinary Health Center. Today joined by Dr. Katie Delph. She is one of the internal medicine clinicians here at the vet school, and today, we're going to talk a little bit about a fairly ... More
Farmweek Markets

Farmweek Markets

Farmweek Markets - Pork markets look gloomy. The U.S. corn crop is not quite as good as some thought a month ago. The rice market may have dipping prices. Good pastures are being termed a problem for feeder cattle. The big U.S. soybean crop is getting bigger.... More
New Weapon Against BRD

New Weapon Against BRD

BRD still costs big money for producers. We report on a unique new weapon from Bayer Animal Health, that can help producers as they battle Bovine Respiratory Disorder.... More
New Weapon Against BRD

New Weapon Against BRD

We learn about innovative efforts to preserve sage grouse habitat AND cattle production, in this report featuring NRCS Chief Jason Weller.... More
New Ag More Than Ever Video With Farmers

New Ag More Than Ever Video With Farmers

The Ag More Than Ever team has launched a new fall initiative to remind everyone involved in agriculture to share their story with the consuming public. Let's not leave it for somebody else to do, if we all do a little it will become a significant wave. ... More
Vet Scripts

Vet Scripts

Dr. Barry Whitworth, has advice on interacting with swine and poultry to prevent transmittable diseases.... More
Practicality Of Drone Use In Ranching

Practicality Of Drone Use In Ranching

They may not replace the pickup, horse, 4-wheeler much less a good sheep dog anytime soon, but a Texas A&M AgriLife Researcher thinks drones now have practical ranching applications that will expand in the near future.... More
OQBN: Are You VAC-45 Ready?

OQBN: Are You VAC-45 Ready?

SUNUP talks about upcoming OQBN VAC-45 weaning dates with Gant Mourer.... More
Proper Vaccine Handling Protects Product Efficacy

Proper Vaccine Handling Protects Product Efficacy

Dr. Jason Banta, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service beef cattle specialist, Overton, said proper protection of vaccines from sunlight, heat and cold maintains the product's efficacy. Vaccines should be stored according to label recommendations, typically in refrigerators at temperatures betwee... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk explains the benefits of waiting longer to wean calves.... More
U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

See how U.S. Beef industry stakeholders are coming together to help highlight the sustainability of American beef.... More
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