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NBA Finals…of farming

Ohio vs. California

By Diego Flammini,

It’s time for the National Basketball Association (NBA) to take center stage and start their championship series tonight after the NHL had Wednesday night’s spotlight.

On the court, the Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers will battle the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors.

The first team to win four games will be presented with the Larry O’Brien trophy as the best team in the NBA.

Similar to the NHL’s Stanley Cup playoffs, analysts and experts have spent their time breaking down plays and coaching schemes to determine who has the advantage going into the series. Can Lebron James lift the Cavaliers to victory by himself? Will Steph Curry’s ability to shoot the 3-pointer be enough to lift Golden State to the championship?

An agricultural comparison is about to take place – between the two states represented in the series: California and Ohio.

?signals advantage for each team

NBA Team

Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors

Cleveland Cavaliers

Cleveland Cavaliers

Number of farm operations76,400 ?74,500
Beef cows (as of Jan. 1, 2015)600,000 ?282,000
Milk production (Measured in Lb/Head)23,785 ?20,318
Total value of ag products sold$42,627,472,000 ?$10,064,085
Top commodity valueAlmonds - $6,464,500,000 ?Soybeans - $2,642,640,000
Average age of principal operator60.156.8 ?
Value of aquaculture sales$103,016,000 ?$3,875,000
Total acres operated25,500,000 ?14,000,000

Based on the state agriculture comparison, the Golden State Warriors should beat the Cleveland Cavaliers pretty handily, however Ohio does have youth on its side.

Tell us your thoughts about how the two states compare to one another in basketball, or in hockey. Do you have a rooting interest?

Don’t forget to check out the Stanley Cup comparison between Illinois and Florida.

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