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NOFIA announces conference schedule

NOFIA announces conference schedule

Schedule revealed for 2023 Northern Ontario Ag Conference.

By Andrew Joseph,; Photo by Akshayan on Unsplash

The 2023 Northern Ontario Ag Conference is slated to take place on February 15-16, 2023, at the Holiday Inn in Sudbury.

The event promises to feature agricultural specialists from across the North, and will provide opportunities to network, share research, and learn about the industry’s latest innovations.

Sponsored by NOFIA (Northern Ontario Farm Innovation Alliance), the two-day event will be the first time since 2020 that it will be held in person.

Topics to be covered include:

  • opportunities for agriculture in Northern Ontario;
  • land conversion, sustainability in agronomy;
  • forage opportunities;
  • nutrient management;
  • direct marketing, and;
  • innovations in horticulture.

For a more detailed examination of scheduled events, visit the NOFIA website:

NOFIA was created in 2014 to better develop strategies and partnerships to ensure the advancement of agricultural research and innovation in Northern Ontario.

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