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Olds College offering new ag program

Olds College offering new ag program

Learners can earn an Agriculture Sales and Customer Support certificate after 10 months of study

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

An Alberta post-secondary school is offering a new ag program to people interested in careers in sales.

Olds College is now providing an opportunity for learners to earn an Agriculture Sales and Customer Support certificate.

“Developed alongside industry, the Agriculture Sales and Customer Support certificate program arms you with the skills, knowledge and on-the-job training to ensure you are set up for success,” the program’s page says.

The 10-month online program is split into five courses.

Workplace Communications helps students develop writing and presentation skills and demonstrate strategies and techniques for creating informative presentations.

Professional Selling help develop sales professionals and the competencies necessary to effectively manage sales processes.

This course is divided into three parts:

  • The development of personal and business goal setting ability
  • Developing sales skills
  • The use of Customer Relationship Management techniques

Another course in the certificate program is Skills for Effective Negotiation.

The content in this course demonstrates how to make customers and their needs a primary focus, how to resolve disputes and how to develop and sustain relationships.

Marketing Principles is the fourth course in the certificate program.

This course provides learners with a foundation of marketing concepts, principles and practices.

The fifth component of the Ag Sales and Customer Support certificate program is a six-month (850-hour) internship.

Students currently employed in an ag sales setting may complete the internship with their employer.

For students not working in an ag sales environment, Olds College will help secure a placement position.

If you’re looking for ag sales possibilities, multiple opportunities are available on

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