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2022 Census of Ag due Feb. 6

2022 Census of Ag due Feb. 6

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service reminds our nation’s farmers and ranchers that the deadline to respond to the 2022 Census of Agriculture is Feb. 6.

Producers can respond online at or by mail.

Last month, NASS mailed the Census of Agriculture questionnaires to every known ag producer in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.

Conducted just once every five years, the ag census provides a complete account of the nation’s farms and ranches and the people who operate them.

Responding to the Census of Agriculture is required by federal law under Title 7 USC 2204(g) Public Law 105-113.

The same law requires NASS to keep all individual operations’ information confidential, use the data for statistical purposes only, and publish the data in aggregate form to prevent disclosing the identity of any individual producer or farm operation.

“By participating in the 2022 Census of Agriculture, producers show the value and importance of American agriculture,” said NASS Administrator Hubert Hamer. “This nation owes a lot to our farmers and ranchers for providing safe and abundant food, feed, fiber, and more.

To tell this story, we need to hear from all of our farmers and ranchers, no matter how big or small their part of agriculture. If you have already responded, thank you. If not, I encourage you to respond today.”

The Census of Agriculture remains the only source of uniform, comprehensive, and impartial agriculture data for every state, county, and U.S. territory.

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