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AgriPOWER Program Seeking Agricultural Leaders, Advocates

Applications are now being accepted for Class X of AgriPOWER, Ohio Farm Bureau’s elite leadership and advocacy program. Twenty individuals will be selected to participate in the program, which will consist of seven multiday institutes (17 days total). The deadline to apply is April 20, 2018. 
Participants will learn about public policy matters facing local communities, the state of Ohio, the nation and the world. They will learn how to become effective leaders and advocate for agriculture. Two of the seven institute sessions will be held out of state to help class members gain a valuable understanding of national and global issues.
Ohio Farm Bureau offers a limited number of scholarships to help defray the $4,500 per person tuition fee. There is a $400 deposit which is refunded based on attendance and completion of the program. County Farm Bureaus are encouraged to consider nominating applicants. Other farm organizations or employers may also help with an individual’s tuition. 

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Video: Agriculture Enlightened (2024)

Manitoba for Agriculture Enlightened 2024! Since 2020, EMILI's annual conference has brought together a diverse stakeholder group including agri-food and technology experts, industry leaders, decision-makers, researchers and students from across the prairies. We look forward to building on the success of the last four years with another outstanding event.