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ASA/WISHH Grows Demand for Soy-Based Poultry Feed in Ghana

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-funded, American Soybean Association (ASA) World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH)-implemented AMPLIFIES Ghana project is improving Ghana’s poultry feed production capacity and increasing efficiency in poultry value chains.
AMPLIFIES highlights the significant nexus between trade and development programs. Increased appetite for chicken in Ghana is driving industry innovation, which has led to investment in slaughter, processing plants, cold chains, and poultry feed value chains. The AMPLIFIES egg consumption campaign (Egg-Cite) also supports efforts to deliver affordable, high quality protein to the population. Markets with Egg-Cite promotions have reported increased sales in targeted areas and the head of the Kaneshie Egg and Live Birds Sellers Association reports that eggs are in short supply in Ghana for the first time in years. Estimates suggest a 7000 metric ton (MT)/yr increase in demand for soybean meal in Ghana for every additional 10 eggs consumed per capita.
AMPLIFIES was designed to improve both the quality of poultry feed and its consistent supply to producers. A growing middle class in Ghana is leading to a greater demand for quality protein and a subsequent increase in demand for quality feed ingredients. Demand growth for locally-produced maize and soybeans will outpace production, opening opportunities for U.S. commodities to fill supply gaps.
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Video: A Practical Approach to Reduce Sow Mortality: SOP

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