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Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame announces new executive members Five new members join board of directors for 2020

Toronto, ON – The Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Association (CAHFA) announced its 2020 board of directors following its 2019 Annual General Meeting held in Quebec City, including newly named President Trish Jordan and Vice-President Ted Menzies.
Trish Jordan, public and industry affairs director with Bayer Crop Science based out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, has been on the board since 2012 and takes over from outgoing President Guy Charbonneau from Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Quebec. Trish has worked with several Canadian agricultural organizations over the past 35 years in both Alberta and Manitoba. She is a respected advocate for farmers, modern agriculture and the broader Canadian agricultural industry, and has built many positive stakeholder relationships throughout the industry. 
“I am honoured to assume the president’s role with CAHFA and continue our efforts to increase awareness of the important work undertaken by this volunteer-run, charitable organization,” says Jordan. “We have a dedicated group of board members from across the country, a solid strategic plan and we will benefit from the thoughts and innovative ideas of several new board members in the years ahead. Guy Charbonneau, our past president, has capably guided our organization over the past two years and I want to personally thank him for his experience and dedication to the CAHFA Board.”
Ted Menzies of Claresholm, Alberta steps into the vice-president role. Ted has been on the CAHFA Board since 2014.  A retired farmer, Ted served terms as president of Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, vice-president of Grain Growers of Canada and president of Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, before stepping into federal politics in 2004. After retiring as Minister of State for Finance, Ted accepted the role of president/CEO of CropLife Canada from 2014 - 2017. Now fully retired and able to give back, Ted sits on several not-for-profit boards as well as helping to mentor young people interested in careers in the agri-food sector.
Five new individuals from across the country were also elected to the Board of Directors, along with long-time CAHFA Board member Ron Bolton, who will be finishing his sixth and final, two-year term.  
Newly elected members to the Board include:
Peter Clarke, Nova Scotia
Maggie Van Camp, Ontario
Phil Boyd, Ontario
Art Enns, Manitoba
Alanna Koch, Saskatchewan.
This group joins returning Board members:
David Thompson, Prince Edward Island
Serge Lefebvre, Quebec
Ron Bolton, Ontario
Ted Haney, Alberta
Source : CAHFA

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