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Craig & Jinel Ference chosen as Alberta’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2018

More than 60 people gathered to honour fourth generation farmers Craig & Jinel Ference  of Double F Farms located at Kirriemuir  as Alberta’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2018. The winners were announced at the Alberta regional event held at the Pomeroy Inn & Suites in Olds, AB on February 9.
After receiving university degrees, in Ag-business for Craig and Education for Jinel, they returned to take on the responsibilities of full-time farming in 2004 and today crop 10,000 acres, manage an 8000 head feedlot and 4000 mother cows, as well as a number of custom farming contracts. Their goal today continues to be one of creating a diverse business that involves many agriculture sectors.
As caretakers of the land, Craig & Jinel focus on improving the land for future generations by increasing organic matter from one to four percent. New technology in product and equipment advancements continues to bring change to their farming techniques both in Alberta and their new expanded operation in Biggar, SK. 
The Alberta Region of Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers Program were pleased to honour three couples at their 2018 Regional Event. The couples recognized were:
Craig & Celeste Christensen, Parflesh Farms, Standard, AB;
Roelof & Mary VanBenthem, VanBenthem Dairy, Red Deer County AB;
and winners Craig and Jinel Ference, Double F Farms, Kirriemuir,AB.
“Although weather made travel a challenge at this year’s regional event, the region was pleased with the turnout out not only of the alumni but also of the sponsors. Having three nominee couples was a credit to the sponsors who took the extra effort to recognize producers they work with and put their names forward. All three nominee couples had different and innovative operations and it was a pleasure to get to know all of them and hear their farming story. The alumni look forward to working with the Ferences to help them prepare for the national event and to get to know them better as we welcome them into our AB OYF family”, stated Alberta’s Outstanding Young Farmer newly elected President Tara Sawyer,
Celebrating 38 years, Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers’ program is an annual competition to recognize farmers that exemplify excellence in their profession and promote the tremendous contribution of agriculture. Open to participants 18 to 39 years of age, making the majority of income from on-farm sources, participants are selected from seven regions across Canada, with two national winners chosen each year. The program is sponsored nationally by CIBC, John Deere, Bayer, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through Growing Forward 2, a federal, provincial, territorial initiative. The national media sponsor is Annex Business Media, and the program is supported nationally by AdFarm, BDO and Farm Management Canada.
Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2018 will be chosen at the National Event in Winnipeg, MB from November 29 – December 3, 2018. 
Source : Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers Program

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