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Diagnosing Problem Areas in the Field

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Many growers across the country have experienced highly variable weather conditions in their fields this year. From standing water to drought conditions, it can be difficult to distinguish a crop nutrient deficiency compared to other weather-related stresses.
Extreme weather patterns can often exaggerate nutrient deficiencies, or in many cases, a visual symptom may not be expressed by the crop. These seemingly unnoticeable reductions in plant growth and vigor are known as “hidden hunger” and prevent the crop from attaining maximum yield.
Growers may notice their crops turning a shade of yellow or pale green, which could mean that the crops are suffering from a nitrogen (N) or a sulfur (S) deficiency. Visual deficiencies for a micronutrient like zinc (Zn) may exhibit white to yellow bands at the lower base of the leaf while the midrib and leaf margin remain green.
Curt Woolfolk, senior agronomist for The Mosaic Company, explains why it is so important to look beyond the “big three” — nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) — when scouting fields for visual nutrient deficiencies. Growers must also have a proper balance of secondary macronutrients and micronutrients in their soil.
“The availability of zinc to crops is directly related to soil pH; that is, higher pH levels limit zinc availability,” says Woolfolk. “In addition to high pH and/or low-soil-test zinc, crops in early growth stages that are enduring cool, wet soils and cloudy weather may express zinc deficiency. This is why balanced crop nutrition from the start is critical to achieving a successful start and finish to the season.”
In the field, visual symptoms of a sulfur deficiency and nitrogen deficiency are often easily confused. Symptoms of both deficiencies may appear as stunted plants, with a general yellowing of leaves. The best way to diagnose a deficiency is with a plant tissue analysis from a good and bad area of the field.
Applying total crop sulfur requirements in the sulfate form prior to planting increases the risk of sulfur leaching below the rooting zone and does not ensure a steady, season-long supply. Using a fertilizer that supplies S in both its readily available sulfate (SO42–) form and in a slowly released elemental sulfur (S0) form means that early season S needs are met along with gradual release of S from the elemental S, ensuring a season-long supply that matches crop demand.
Low commodity prices may tempt some growers to reduce or even eliminate applications of fertilizers like MicroEssentials® SZ™ that contain secondary macronutrients and micronutrients. MicroEssentials provides season-long sulfur availability and uniform nutrient distribution to ensure the proper nutrient balance is available to your plants throughout the entire season in order to produce a higher yield. MicroEssentials provides a solid return on investment to help make those land and cash rent payments.
Both early and late-season scouting provide opportunities to identify visual nutrient deficiencies. Confirm the deficiency with tissue testing, mark the location, and record it as an area to be corrected prior to next year’s planting. Areas of the Midwest have been experiencing both wet and dry conditions; in either case, now is an excellent time to be evaluating fields for nutrient problems.
Soil and tissue sampling on a field-by-field and within-field basis will allow you and your agronomic advisor to diagnose problem areas in your field, make the necessary corrections, and help you turn your land into peak-producing farm ground.
Determining the nutrient deficiencies in your soil and ensuring that you create a proper balance allows for better plant uptake, more efficient use of nutrients, and ultimately an optimum yield.
Source : MicroEssentials

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EVENT PREVIEW: You Can Help Reimagine Plant Breeding at the 2024 NAPB Meeting

Video: EVENT PREVIEW: You Can Help Reimagine Plant Breeding at the 2024 NAPB Meeting

Martin Bohn can’t wait to welcome people to the 2024 meeting of the National Association of Plant Breeders meeting being held in St. Louis, Miss., July 21-25. This year’s meeting, hosted by Bayer Crop Science and the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, promises to be one of the NAPB’s most important yet, evident in its theme Rethink, Reimagine and Revolutionize.

While the main conference will be held at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel, it will feature a tour of the nearby University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign facilities. Bohn serves not only as co-organizer of the meeting, but as crop sciences professor at the university.

“The conference theme revolves around rethinking, reimagining, and revolutionizing plant breeding. We’ve witnessed significant technological advancements over the past decade, with an abundance of genetic, phenotypic, and environmental data becoming more accessible, alongside the integration of artificial intelligence into data science, opening up new possibilities,” Bohn says.

During the conference, attendees will examine these advancements, reassess the field, and explore how we can adapt to or leverage them. The event will feature three sessions: Reimagining, Rethinking, and Revolutionizing, with speakers delving into each theme. Audience participation is encouraged, with lively Q&A sessions expected.

The climax will be the Revolutionize session, featuring speakers from St. Louis startup companies at the forefront of plant breeding innovation, all hailing from the St. Louis Innovation Hub. It promises to be an exciting showcase of cutting-edge ideas, Bohn says. Ultimately, the conference aims to inspire attendees with the innovative work happening at the University of Illinois and beyond.

Bohn is looking forward to showing off the facilities at the university, where there exists a thriving plant breeding program. Visitors are in for a treat.

“When you’re coming from St. Louis to the university, you might expect to see a lot of corn and soybeans, but there’s much more in store. We’ve put together a diverse program featuring various facets of agricultural innovation,” he says.

“Throughout the day, we’ll showcase national initiatives focused on advanced bioenergy and bioproduct innovation. We’ll also explore autonomous farming, environmental resilience, and soil quality at two different stops.”

You’ll get a peek into the USDA Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center, home to crucial genetic stocks for corn breeding, and the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection. Additionally, the tour will highlight the CornBox, a project by some of Bohn’s colleagues which is their version of a sandbox to test innovations for digital agriculture in a live corn field. Visitors will also see the breeding programs spanning soybeans, corn, small grains, hemp, and more.

“One highlight close to my heart is our organic farming systems breeding program. We’ll also tour our student farm, featuring research on vegetable production systems and how robotics aid in managing insects. And let’s not forget about our local startup companies at the University of Illinois Research Park, showcasing their latest research and products,” Bohn adds.

Visitors will wrap up the day at Riggs Beer Company, known for using locally grown seeds and grains. Their motto, “On our farm, we grow beer,” sets the tone for a relaxed Q&A session with the brewery’s owner and team, accompanied by great food and, of course, some beer.

Of course, organizing a conference like this is no small feat; it’s a monumental task that requires careful coordination and collaboration.

“Initially, I thought it would be as simple as putting together a program and inviting speakers, but it’s far more complex than that. Many moving parts need to come together seamlessly to make it a success,” Bohn says.

The beauty lies in sharing the workload among many shoulders, ensuring that no single organization or individual bears the burden alone. The meeting is being co-hosted by Bayer Crop Science.

“Working together toward a common goal of hosting the best conference possible is a tremendous opportunity to build relationships. I truly believe that the connections we forge with our colleagues and partners at Bayer will endure beyond this event,” Bohn says.

“Working with Bayer has been eye-opening. While we often operate within the confines of academia, collaborating with a company brings a fresh perspective on what matters in the real world. It’s invigorating to explore shared interests and embark on collaborative projects together.”