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Economics of Winter Cereals

One option to letting unseeded acres sit idle is to plant winter cereals such as winter wheat and fall rye. Dean Dyck, farm business management specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, says before making a decision it’s important to compare the potential profit from these crops to traditional cereals and oilseeds; and he says there are tools to help do just that.
Interview with Dean Dyck (2:05 minutes) (977 Kb)
Source : Agriculture and Forestry

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It’s Time To Simplify Your Grain Marketing

Video: It’s Time To Simplify Your Grain Marketing

Ag commodity marketing is too complex, largely misunderstood, and the industry is full of products and services you probably don’t even need to profitably market your grain. That truth bomb — along with many more — is courtesy of Joe Vaclavik of Standard Grain. Mr. Vaclavik, a former grain trader turned commodity marketing commentator, says there are only three things a farmer needs to be profitable. Conversely, there are nine things almost no farmer EVER needs to use, including options trading, long range weather prognosticators, and exotic grain marketing contracts. Joe keeps it simple. And blunt. If you’re thin-skinned, don’t tune into this episode. For the rest of you in Ag, enjoy!