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Excellence in Agriculture Celebrated in Thunder Bay

Ontario is recognizing the work of local innovators whose ideas and passion are helping grow and strengthen the province's agri-food sector.
Today, Ernie Hardeman, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, recognized Slate River Dairy as an Excellence in Agriculture, Honourable Mention Award recipient for its modified European butter churn that can churn butter and pasteurize milk at the same time. This innovation is one-of-a-kind in Canada and has reduced the amount of wasted product while increasing sales by 29 per cent from October 2017 to April 2018 and maintaining strict adherence to Canadian food safety standards.
"Our butters and buttermilk are favour­ites among our customers who love to cook with wholesome, top-quality dairy products," said, Wilma Mol, Co-Founder of Slate River Dairy.
"Ontario's agri-food sector is a driving force for innovation and economic growth in our province," said Ernie Hardeman, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. "Innovators like Slate River Dairy are always pushing boundaries and expanding economic opportunities and value-added products. I especially like how this technology is reducing waste and improving technology in our agri-food sector."
The Excellence in Agriculture Awards honour the contributions of hard-working and innovative people across the province who are creating new agri-food products, adding value to existing products and raising the bar for excellence by demonstrating leadership in their field that will benefit the sector, or advanced technological innovation.
Ontario is a strong supporter of the agri-food sector and is committed to the province's farmers and food processors, who produce more than 200 food and beverage products to feed our local communities and the world. The sector contributes over $39.5 billion to the local economy and employs one in eight Ontarians.
Source : OMAFRA

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